[Relax-dn-pi] RELAX Midterm review: MSCA Work Programme compliance confirmations needed

Jacqueline Plette jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se
Thu Oct 10 15:29:33 CEST 2024

Dear all,

The below applies to all partners receiving EU-funding, i.e. QUB is exempt from it due to national funding.

Following the [?pdf icon]  240925 MIDTERM Recommendation letter from EC PO.pdf<https://chalmers.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/ChalmersRELAX-DN_all/Shared%20Documents/General/03%20Reporting/240925%20MIDTERM%20Recommendation%20letter%20from%20EC%20PO.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=KNvk2O>, I kindly ask you to forward the below request to your HR departments.

  1.  Eligibility of the fellows: please provide a written confirmation that the mobility rule is respected for the DCs recruited. We must inform the PO in writing accordingly.
  2.  Ensure that all DCs are receiving their salaries according to the amounts and rules defined in the MSCA Work Programme (living allowance, mobility and family allowance, correct currency conversion etc). It is strongly encouraged that a breakdown with amounts is provided to the DCs pay slips. Any tuition fees related to the PhD enrolment, visa fees, fee for the resident permit in Ireland, travel costs, training, language courses or any other similar fees are to be covered by the institutional costs and not to be charged to the DCs. In case of amounts mistakenly charged to the DCs, these must be reimbursed immediately. All fellows should receive the mobility allowance as foreseen in the Grant Agreement.
All beneficiaries are requested to cross-check with their HR department and ensure proper payment of their DCs according to the allowances foreseen in the Programme. This needs to be confirmed by each beneficiary to the coordinator and then the coordinator to duly confirm back to REA PO by including relevant exchanged confirmation emails with the linked DCs in copy.

  1.  Beneficiaries must assist DCs with the administrative procedures for visa issuing and reimburse them in case of fees paid out of their own pocket.

I have prepared a template for the confirmation (see attached) but please feel free to adapt as needed.

Thank you all very much in advance for your help with this request from the EC project officer.

Best regards,
Jacqueline Plette

Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se<mailto:Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se>

EU Grant Manager

Chalmers Operations Support | Division of Management and General University Support
Phone +46 31 7725260
Cell phone +46 723-509359

Chalmers University of Technology
Chalmersplatsen 4, Plan E, Room 1034
412 96 Gothenburg


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