[Relax-dn-pi] Meeting minutes 25Jan

Hans Vandierendonck h.vandierendonck at qub.ac.uk
Tue Feb 6 15:05:29 CET 2024

Hi all,

I have updated the agenda for the training week in Belfast taking into account what has been discussed. Updates are on MS Teams; file attached for convenience.

Given availability of PIs, key activities have been mapped onto Tue/Wed/Thu morning.

Sorry to say but won’t be able to join the call on Thursday. Here are the main things to know:
* Green bits (provided by graduate school) have been confirmed and booked and prefer not to move these around. Sessions that are entirely ours can still be swapped around.
* I had made a mistake and was assuming more hours than we have available. Fixing that means the schedule is a bit tighter. Aiming for 9:00 - 17:30 days. We will likely run over on Tue/Wed.
* Still need to determine what our RELAX technical sessions will entail
* Still need confirmation from industry partners.

Loads of details still TBC.

Can we ask for PhD students to confirm travel plans as well, in particular to see if there is scope to arrange something social on Monday?

Kind regards

On 25 Jan 2024, at 14:42, Jacqueline Plette <jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se<mailto:jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se>> wrote:

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Dear all,

Here are some meeting minutes of today's meeting.

  1.  News from partners: TCD is in the process of signing the contracts with two DCs; one is from Vietnam and the other is from China. 2nd position at ICCS is still vacant.
  2.  Reports/Deliverables coming deadlines:
     *   See attached email for detailed overview
     *   See attached template recruitment report and send back one report for each DC position by 30 January or inform JP of any delays.
     *   Please assign yourself for the review of the reports in the overview. The overview also covers the time plan and input required from the DCs: draft reports by 1 March; completed reports by 15 March

<image001.png> Overview deliverables due 31Mar2024.xlsx<https://chalmers.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/ChalmersRELAX-DN_all/Shared%20Documents/General/04%20Deliverables/Overview%20deliverables%20due%2031Mar2024.xlsx?d=w514d94476a1240489d04a4fd98291d6d&csf=1&web=1&e=VsqpZJ>

  1.  March 2024 Training Days (Hans)
     *   Preliminary Program: <image001.png> 231218_preliminary agenda.xlsx<https://chalmers.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/ChalmersRELAX-DN_all/Shared%20Documents/General/02%20Meetings/2024%20March%20Training%20Days/231218_preliminary%20agenda.xlsx?d=w9a3ac6cc5afe43edb45be53f46938879&csf=1&web=1&e=nF5E8f>
     *   Decide about technical presentations by PIs
     *   Joint (Zoom) SB meeting with Associated Partners on Friday afternoon including one DC representative (tbc
     *   Progress monitoring: 25 mins for each DC; preferably on two days combined
     *   Logistics:
        *   Please indicate your attendance at the meeting in Belfast as soon as you know here <image001.png>Participation.xlsx<https://chalmers.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/ChalmersRELAX-DN_all/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B3247E588-1D32-48D8-8708-0D77707500C6%7D&file=Participation.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true>, especially if you can attend only certain days. – Hans needs this information to finalize the program and allocate the agenda points around your attendance.
        *   Chalmers people will book accommodation at ibis Belfast City Centre, 100 Castle Street Northern Ire, Belfast, Northern Ireland – please inform Hans if you want to book the same hotel so that he can arrange for a corporate rate and pre-book a few rooms.
  2.  To discuss at next meeting on 8 Feb 13-14.00 CET:
     *   File Access system
     *   Input from the January meeting
  3.  AOB: None

Best regards,
Jacqueline Plette

Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se<mailto:Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se>

EU Grant Manager

Chalmers Operations Support | Division of Management and General University Support
Phone +46 31 7725260
Cell phone +46 723-509359

Chalmers University of Technology
Chalmersplatsen 4, Plan E, Room 1034
412 96 Gothenburg


<D6.4 Template Recruitment Report (1).doc><Mail Attachment.eml>--
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