[subexp-daq] nurdlib now under lgpl-2.1 and public

Philipp Klenze pklenze at ph.tum.de
Fri May 17 00:44:23 CEST 2024

Dear Hans,
that is great!

I would prefer using either github or gitlab.com for discussion as users 
are more likely to already have credentials for these platforms.

Also, in the docs there is one .tex file (by you) and one sphinx-file 
(which uses a python configuration, so possibly not by you)? It might be 
better to remove one of them -- I can handle pdf, I can handle rst or 
html, but not knowing which docs to read might not be ideal. (Also, 
putting the pdf on the web instead of telling people to just git clone 
and run make to compile the latex might be nice).

Other than r3bfuser (which you mentioned) and the silly R3BRoot 
parameter repositories, the only thing which remains closed source is 
upexps. I think the two reasons blocking upexps are that (a) it is not 
entirely clear who contributed and (b) in the present state it would be 
a bit like open sourcing the Necronomicon. :)


PS: I think I have managed to figure out the rest of how wrtclk 
exploders operate. I have crafted nice labels for the lemo ports as well 
as a few caveats (for example, Bastii's serial/jumper adapter board also 
fits in with an offset of +/-2.54mm). The plan is to document all of 
this tomorrow.

PPS: The wrtclk can either run with a clock of an upstream system 
(rataclock 25MHz, Butis) or with an internal clock. One thing which I 
found is that when the inputs get disconnected, the timestamps still 
increase at approximately the correct rate when the internal clock is 
used. I think the main advantage of running with the upstream clock is 
that it is impossible to oversee this condition, while for the 
free-running clock it would depend on the precision of the exploder 
oscillator how long it takes to see the drift in treeview. Or do 
ratatime/rataclock transmit a "bad timestamp"-bit in these cases?

On 16/05/2024 23.20, Hans Toshihide Törnqvist wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have finally parsed all nurdlib files and slapped the LGPL-2.1 on the 
> ones that need it, reset the git history, and put the whole thing in 
> several public places:
> https://github.com/hanstt/nurdlib
> https://git.gsi.de/r3b/nurdlib
> https://gitlab.com/chalmers-subexp/nurdlib
> https://git.chalmers.se/expsubphys/nurdlib
> I have extracted all authors for every file and the years of 
> modifications according to the git history, then I reset the history to 
> not have to worry about old mishaps (current and future ones I will have 
> to answer for...). The old repositories were renamed to nurdlib.pregpl21 
> but are otherwise available in the previous locations, just not publicly.
> For the curious, I personally push to git.chalmers.se, which has lots of 
> CI images that are quite painful to reproduce elsewhere. That repo then 
> mirrors automatically to the other three.
> The large number of options is mainly a test to see what works. 
> Eventually I would like to settle on "the one" or "the two" repos where 
> pull requests, issues, and possibly even a wiki, will be maintained. I 
> am open to suggestions and arguments!
> I know of some recent changes (and not so recent ones...) by others 
> while I was doing this, those should be implemented soon, but please 
> remind me if I seem to have forgotten. I wanted to get this live and 
> done with after having postponed this for too long.
> r3bfuser... Suppose that needs to happen too.
> Best regards,
> Hans

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