[Agda-dev] Implementing a solver for universe levels

Jesper Cockx Jesper at sikanda.be
Mon Jan 6 10:26:22 CET 2020

Hi Marko,

It's great to hear that you want to contribute to the implementation of

Universe polymorphism is a relatively stable feature of Agda, though there
have been some recent changes due to issues found by the new internal
double-checker. OTOH Cumulativity is really new and hasn't got much testing
yet, so depending on its reception in the release it might stay relatively
unchanged or it might be removed/replaced entirely.

The current implementation of cumulativity makes use of a simple heuristic
to instantiate unsolved levels (at
if checking a signature or a definition produced unsolved level metas and
they are no lower bounds on those metas, instantiate them to the lowest
possible solution `lzero`. If you turn off this heuristic (e.g. by
commenting the line `defaultLevelsToZero newMetas` and recompiling Agda),
you can see some examples of the kind of constraints a solver would need to
handle. For example, on the file `test/Succeed/Cumulativity.agda`, I get
the following:

Failed to solve the following constraints:
  piSort (Set ℓ)
  (λ x →
     (ℓ ⊔ ℓ′ ⊔ _ℓ_247 (n = n) (P = P) (x = x) ⊔
      _ℓ′_248 (n = n) (P = P) (x = x)))
    =< Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ′)
  ℓ ⊔ _ℓ₁_239 (n = (suc n)) = ℓ ⊔ _ℓ₁_239 (n = n) ⊔ _ℓ_247
  lsuc ℓ′ ⊔ _ℓ₂_240 (n = (suc n))
    = lsuc ℓ′ ⊔ _ℓ₂_240 (n = n) ⊔ lsuc _ℓ′_248
  A.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ_218 = A.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ_218 ⊔ _A.ℓ_226
  A.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ₁_216 = A.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ₁_216 ⊔ _A.ℓ_226
  B.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ₂_217 = B.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ₂_217 ⊔ _B.ℓ_227
  B.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ₂_191 ⊔ _B.ℓ_199 = B.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ₂_191
  A.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ₁_190 ⊔ _A.ℓ_198 = A.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ₁_190
  A.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ_189 ⊔ _A.ℓ_198 = A.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ_189
  lsuc (lsuc lzero) ⊔ _ℓ_120 (f = f)
    = lsuc (lsuc lzero) ⊔ _ℓ_74 (f = f) ⊔ _A.ℓ_127
  lsuc lzero ⊔ _ℓ_108 (f = f) = lsuc lzero ⊔ _ℓ_74 (f = f) ⊔ _A.ℓ_115
  lsuc lzero ⊔ _ℓ_75 (f = f) ⊔ _B.ℓ_103 = lsuc lzero ⊔ _ℓ_98 (f = f)
  A.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ_74 (f = f) = A.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ_74 (f = f) ⊔ _A.ℓ_80
  B.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ_75 (f = f) ⊔ _B.ℓ_81 = B.ℓ ⊔ _ℓ_75 (f = f)
  _ℓ_52 (ℓ′ = (lsuc (lsuc (lsuc lzero)))) ⊔ _ℓ_58 = lsuc lzero
  _ℓ_58 =< lsuc (lsuc (lsuc lzero))
  _ℓ_55 =< ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ
  ℓ₁ ⊔ _ℓ_52 (ℓ′ = ℓ) ⊔ _ℓ_55 = ℓ₁ ⊔ _ℓ_52 (ℓ′ = ℓ)

I don't have a very clear idea yet how big of an effort the level solver
would be, but I expect it could be quite considerable. It will also depend
a lot on how powerful we want the solver to be. One point of reference is
the current size solver at
which is about 2000 lines (about half for the actual solver in
WarshallSolver.hs and half the interface with the rest of Agda in
Solver.hs). I would expect a solver for universe levels to be of a similar
size. Ideally, both levels and sizes would make use of the *same* solver
and only the interface with Agda would be different.

Since you're a new contributor to Agda, my recommendation would be to start
on something smaller to get a feeling for the Agda codebase. If you want to
do this, here are some issues related to universe levels that currently
need help: https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/4345,
https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/3143. If you're keen to work on the
solver and understand that it might be a lot of work, a good point to start
would be to construct a few test cases that produce level constraints
currently not solved by Agda. Two such test cases (that don't even use
--cumulativity) are https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/3098 and

I'm very glad to answer any questions you have while working on Agda!

-- Jesper

On Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 11:53 PM Marko Dimjašević <marko at dimjasevic.net>

> Dear Agda developers,
> The upcoming Agda 2.6.1 release features universe cumulativity [1]. In
> an email to the Agda users mailing list (agda at lists.chalmers.se),
> Jesper Cockx said the following about cumulativity [2]: "If anyone is
> interested in implementing a proper solver for universe levels, please
> get in touch!"
> I am interested to work on this!
> Would anyone be so kind to say a bit more about the problem, the
> current state of universe levels and of the cumulativity feature, which
> is marked experimental? Furthermore, how big an effort to implement a
> solver is considered to be?
> So far I made no coding contributions to Agda, though I've been a
> Haskell developer.
> [1] https://github.com/agda/agda/blob/release-2.6.1/CHANGELOG.md
> [2] https://lists.chalmers.se/pipermail/agda/2020/011486.html
> --
> Regards,
> Marko Dimjašević <marko at dimjasevic.net>
> https://dimjasevic.net/marko
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