[Agda-dev] Implementing a solver for universe levels

Marko Dimjašević marko at dimjasevic.net
Tue Jan 7 20:47:24 CET 2020

Dear Jesper,

On Mon, 2020-01-06 at 10:26 +0100, Jesper Cockx wrote:
> Since you're a new contributor to Agda, my recommendation would be to
> start on something smaller to get a feeling for the Agda codebase. If
> you want to do this, here are some issues related to universe levels
> that currently need help: https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/4345, 
> https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/4119, 
> https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/3143.

Thank you a lot for your detail reply!

I will take your suggestion and start with a smaller task. In
particular, if you are OK with it, I'd start off with 

I suppose these are the first and general things to understand for me:

- https://github.com/agda/agda/blob/master/HACKING.md

Do you have anything to add that is specific to issue 4345?

Marko Dimjašević <marko at dimjasevic.net>
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