[Agda-dev] Implementing a solver for universe levels

Marko Dimjašević marko at dimjasevic.net
Sun Jan 5 23:52:35 CET 2020

Dear Agda developers,

The upcoming Agda 2.6.1 release features universe cumulativity [1]. In
an email to the Agda users mailing list (agda at lists.chalmers.se),
Jesper Cockx said the following about cumulativity [2]: "If anyone is
interested in implementing a proper solver for universe levels, please
get in touch!"

I am interested to work on this!

Would anyone be so kind to say a bit more about the problem, the
current state of universe levels and of the cumulativity feature, which
is marked experimental? Furthermore, how big an effort to implement a
solver is considered to be?

So far I made no coding contributions to Agda, though I've been a
Haskell developer.

[1] https://github.com/agda/agda/blob/release-2.6.1/CHANGELOG.md
[2] https://lists.chalmers.se/pipermail/agda/2020/011486.html

Marko Dimjašević <marko at dimjasevic.net>
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