[Tsilo-x] FW: Sommarjobb inom kryssning

Lars Telestam lars.telestam at chalmers.se
Tue Feb 1 22:36:55 CET 2022

Vänligen se mail nedan.

Med vänlig hälsning | Best regards
Lars Telestam
Studierektor | Director of Studies
Koordinator | Coordinator

Avdelningen för maritima studier | Division of Maritime Studies
Institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskaper | Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
+46(0)31-772 26 19
+46(0)73-328 11 37 (mobile)
lars.telestam at chalmers.se<mailto:lars.telestam at chalmers.se>

Chalmers tekniska högskola | Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Visiting address: Hörselgången 4

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From: Mim Larsson <mim at sdkgroup.com>
Sent: den 27 januari 2022 16:05
To: Lars Telestam <lars.telestam at chalmers.se>
Subject: Sommarjobb inom kryssning


Vi på SDK är på jakt efter nya stjärnor som agenter för kryssningsfartyg och undrar om det finns något sätt ni skulle vilja dela vår jobbannons med era duktiga elever



Stort tack på förhand

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
SDK Cruise

Mim Larsson
Operations Manager

Email:  mim at sdkgroup.com<mailto:mim at sdkgroup.com>


Tel. +46 8 662 33 50
Frihamnsgatan 13 | 115 56 Stockholm  | CVR.: 36483113

General terms and conditions

All services; including agency, stevedoring and other port work is performed under the General Conditions of Danske Havnevirksomheder 2016 (DHAB 2016). Full version is available here<https://sdkgroup.com/Terms-4.aspx>. These General Conditions limit our liability for any loss, deterioration or damage in respect of goods to 2 SDR per kilogram or to 666.67 SDR per package. Our liability for personal and environmental damage is also limited. The same applies to fines and other claims in connection with custom rules and procedures. Compensation for any delay shall not exceed the price for the execution of the task. However, compensation for any one event, including delays, shall not exceed 25,000 SDR, and if more than one Orderer suffer a loss due to damage occurring on one and the same occasion, our liability to all Orderers concerned shall, in certain respects, be limited to 500,000 SDR. Some claims against us become time-barred after 10 months. We have a lien for present and previous claims,and we charge interest on overdue payments at 2 per cent per commenced month. Amounts due to us shall not be subject to any right of set-off.

In case any of our services become impossible or impractical beyond what we deem reasonable due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we will be excused from our obligations towards the customer/orderer to the extent necessary for the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Visit www.sdkgroup.com <http://www.sdkgroup.com/> for more information about our terms of business <http://shipping.dk/Terms-4.aspx>
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