[subexp-daq] NURDLIB: - how to check which version is installed and how to update to the most recent version

Weber, Guenter Dr. g.weber at hi-jena.gsi.de
Tue Jan 9 11:18:49 CET 2024

Dear Hans, dear Håkan,

now the compilation was successful.

RIO4-MCAL-2 mbsdaq > make
Could not figure out RFX1 firmware (8-xdigit number), skipping.
CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/tests/test_ctrl/main.o
LD    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/test_ctrl
AR    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/./libnurdlib.a
CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/tools/memtest.o
LN    bin/memtest
LD    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/tools/memtest
CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/ctrl/nurdctrl.o
LN    bin/nurdctrl
LD    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/nurdctrl
CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/tools/rwdump.o
LN    bin/rwdump
LD    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/tools/rwdump
CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/tools/wrslew.o
LN    bin/wrslew
LD    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/tools/wrslew
build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug: Simon says: Alles wird gut ;o)

Side note:

'export VARIABLE_NAME=VARIABLE_VALUE' did not work on our RIO4. Instead 'setenv VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE' needed to be used. Probably, this due to not using bash but tcsh (for whatever reason).

Now I updated the NURDLIB, right? To check if it actually works with the hardware present, I would now need to run the DAQ and have a look at the output data.

To run the DAQ, Bastian provided us with a set of scripts. The main one looks like this:

source ../env/env.sh


# gdb --args \
../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug_drasi/m_read_meb.drasi \
        --label=MCAL2 \
        --triva=master,fctime=10,ctime=50 \
        --log-no-rate-limit \
        --server=drasi,dest=lyserv \
        --buf=size=400Mi \
        --max-ev-size=0x1000000 \
        --subev=crate=1,type=20,subtype=2,control=9,procid=1 \
        --eb=lyserv \

Will DRASI automatically work with the new NURDLIB or do I need to compile it again?

The output stream of the data produced by the DAQ is probably set up with this script:

while :
~/mbsrun/rio4/mcalstruck/ucesb/empty/empty \
    stream://localhost \
sleep 5

Will also UCESB automatically adapt to the new NURDLIB or do I need to compile it again?

(I am a bit puzzled by the fact that it is '~/mbsrun/rio4/mcalstruck/ucesb/...' and not '~/mbsrun/rio4/2023_mcalstruck/ucesb/...'. This seems to be inconsistent.)

Moreover, I found the following environment variables that (to my understanding) tell the various parts of the DAQ software where it can find some necessary stuff:


As I copied the complete folder structure of '2023_mcalstruck' to '2024_mcalstruck', to be consistent I will redefine all this variables to point to the new folder.

Best greetings from Jena


Von: subexp-daq <subexp-daq-bounces at lists.chalmers.se> im Auftrag von Hans Toshihide Törnqvist <hans.tornqvist at chalmers.se>
Gesendet: Montag, 8. Januar 2024 16:20:24
An: Discuss use of Nurdlib, TRLO II, drasi and UCESB.; Håkan T Johansson
Betreff: Re: [subexp-daq] NURDLIB: - how to check which version is installed and how to update to the most recent version

Dear Günter,

I was on a late lunch break.

That should be the only env-var. I'm adding the explanation to my docu-todo.



On 2024-01-08 15:57, Håkan T Johansson wrote:
> Dear Günter,
> not a definate answer, but looking around for getend in the sources, I
> did not find further suspicious environment variables.
> You could try
> end | grep 2023_mcalstruck
> or with some other significant part of the path to see if there are any
> other.
> Cheers,
> Håkan
> On Mon, 8 Jan 2024, Weber, Guenter Dr. wrote:
>> Dear Hans,
>> thank you very much!
>> It now dies at a later stage of the compilation process.
>> ...
>> [tests/caen_v792.c:73: IPEDConversion]
>> [tests/caen_v820.c:32: DefaultConfig]
>> 2024-02-08,16:59:58:INFO: Will try default
>> cfgpath='/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2023_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default
>> ', can be set with NURDLIB_DEF_PATH. [config/config.c:181]
>> 2024-02-08,16:59:58:INFO: Opened './tests/caen_v820_empty.cfg' {
>> [config/parser.c:287]
>> 2024-02-08,16:59:58:INFO:
>> .Opened'/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2023_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/caen
>> _v820.cfg' { [config/parser.c:287]
>> 2024-02-08,16:59:58:INFO:
>> .Closed'/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2023_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/caen
>> _v820.cfg' } [config/parser.c:299]
>> 2024-02-08,16:59:58:INFO:
>> .Opened'/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2023_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/modu
>> le_log_level.cfg' { [config/parser.c:287]
>> 2024-02-08,16:59:58:INFO:
>> .Closed'/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2023_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/modu
>> le_log_level.cfg' } [config/parser.c:299]
>> 2024-02-08,16:59:58:INFO: Closed './tests/caen_v820_empty.cfg' }
>> [config/parser.c:299]
>> 2024-02-08,16:59:58:ERRR: Could not find keyword config 'paux'.
>> [config/config.c:711]
>> 2024-02-08,16:59:58:ERRR: Calling abort()... [config/config.c:711]
>> make: *** [build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/test_ok] Error 1
>> The problem is that the environment variable NURDLIB_DEF_PATH is still
>> set
>> to the old directory ('2023_mcalstruck' instead of '2024_mcalstruck',
>> which
>> I created today). Of course, I can change this now. But is there a
>> list of
>> all the environment variables that need to be updated? Or
>> is NURDLIB_DEF_PATH the only one?
>> Best greetings
>> Günter
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