[subexp-daq] Report of a possible bug with "log_level=spam"

Weber, Guenter Dr. g.weber at hi-jena.gsi.de
Thu Feb 15 20:31:00 CET 2024

Dear friends,

while playing around with the DAQ, I got the following problem right at the start of the DAQ:

5: util/log.c:319: ..........Log indent overflow: "..........Gsi Vulom readout_dt {".
5: util/log.c:319: ..........Calling abort()...

In my main.cfg I had just a single VULOM active.

log_level=spam # info, verbose, debug, spam

    GSI_VULOM(0x03000000) {
        timestamp = true # needed to get timestamps in the data output
    #   ecl=0..15
#   DUMMY(0x01000000) {
#   }

If the log_level is reduced to debug, the error does not occur and the system is running with problems.

I am using the most recent version of NURDLIB.

Attached please find the full output of the RIO when the DAQ is started.

Best greetings


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10: lwroc_hostname_util.c:108: Host 'lyserv' known as (port: 56583).
Thread has no error buffer yet...
delay: 1
10: lwroc_hostname_util.c:108: Host 'lyserv' known as (port: 56583).
Thread has no error buffer yet...
Token: d6d68d7b (d6d68d7b:d6d68d7b) [/mbsusr/mbsdaq/.drasi_tokens/mcal]
10: lwroc_hostname_util.c:457: Own address: (eth1).
10: lwroc_data_pipe.c:145: Data buffer READOUT_PIPE, size 419430400 = 0x19000000, 1 consumers.
10: lwroc_triva_readout.c:66: Silence TRIVA  (HALT)
10: lwroc_net_io.c:167: Started server on port 56583 (data port 43514).
client union size: 244 208 188 508 640 204 204  => 640
10: lwroc_udp_awaken_hints.c:159: UDP awaken hints file: /tmp/drasi.u1001/drasi.hints.u1001.RIO4-MCAL-1:56583
10: lwroc_main.c:706: Log message rate limit not in effect.
10: lwroc_readout.c:112: call readout_init...
10: lwroc_thread_util.c:117: This is the triva control thread!
10: lwroc_thread_util.c:117: This is the net io thread!
10: lwroc_thread_util.c:117: This is the slow_async thread!
10: lwroc_thread_util.c:117: This is the data server thread!
10: lwroc_message_internal.c:472: Message client connected!
10: lwroc_net_trans.c:1156: [drasi] Transport client connected (data) [].
10: lwroc_triva_control.c:370: Setup TRIVA  (DISBUS, HALT, MASTER, RESET)
10: lwroc_triva_control.c:418: Minimum event time ctime(5000)+1*rd(694)+3*wr(634)+fctime(1000)=8596 ns (116.333 kHz)
10: lwroc_triva_state.c:1486: (Re)send ident messages...
10: lwroc_triva_control.c:495: START TEST ACQ: HALT, CLEAR=RESET, MT=1
9: lwroc_triva_control.c:507: TEST: GO
10: lwroc_triva_control.c:725: RUN: RESET
10: lwroc_triva_control.c:729: RUN: MT=14
9: lwroc_triva_control.c:737:   GO (1 good test triggers done) (max 116.3 kHz)
10: lwroc_triva_readout.c:376: Trigger 14 seen.
10: config/config.c:181: Will try default cfg path='/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default', can be set with NURDLIB_DEF_PATH.
10: config/parser.c:287: Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/global.cfg' {
10: config/parser.c:299: Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/global.cfg' }
10: config/parser.c:287: Opened './main.cfg' {
8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2399: Master: deadtime: 1.  Status: 0x10 (IN_READOUT).  EC: 1
10: lwroc_triva_state.c:2428: [EB lyserv] EB: Status: 0x0.
8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2488: Node(s) busy in readout, waiting...
10: config/config.c:1299: .Global log level=spam.
10: config/parser.c:287: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/crate.cfg' {
10: config/parser.c:299: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/crate.cfg' }
10: config/parser.c:287: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/gsi_vulom.cfg' {
10: config/parser.c:299: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/gsi_vulom.cfg' }
10: config/parser.c:287: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/module_log_level.cfg' {
10: config/parser.c:299: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/module_log_level.cfg' }
10: config/parser.c:299: Closed './main.cfg' }
10: crate/crate.c:347: crate_create {
10: crate/crate.c:673: crate_create(MCAL) }
10: crate/crate.c:899: crate_init(MCAL) {
10: crate/crate.c:923: .Slow-init module[0]=GSI_VULOM.
LOG: TRLO: MD5SUM: 0x1409285e (CT: 63bb1d44 = 2023-01-08 19:45:08 UTC)
10: crate/crate.c:976: .Fast-init module[0]=GSI_VULOM.
10: crate/crate.c:1073: crate_init(MCAL) }
10: ctrl/ctrl.c:788: Control server online.
Thread has no error buffer yet...
10: f_user.c:559: WR ID=0x200.
10: f_user.c:565: TS offset unset. Will not modify stamp.
10: f_user.c:572: TPAT: No.
10: f_user.c:573: Sync-check: No.
10: f_user.c:575: Spill triggers: No.
10: f_user.c:576: LMU: No.
10: f_user.c:577: Timer latches: No.
10: f_user.c:578: Spill shape: No.
10: f_user.c:579: Micro-structure: No.
10: f_user.c:581: Multi-event flag: No.
10: f_user.c:586: UDP destination: None.
5: util/log.c:319: ..........Log indent overflow: "..........Gsi Vulom readout_dt {".
5: util/log.c:319: ..........Calling abort()...

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