[subexp-daq] UCESB - follow-up question on CAEN V767

Weber, Guenter Dr. g.weber at hi-jena.gsi.de
Mon Apr 29 10:25:29 CEST 2024

Dear friends,

one thing I don't understand yet:


This generate a 2D array with 64 x 128 fields, right? I just copied the code from the V1n90 module. But in the manual of V767, I did not find a restriction on how many hits for each channel can be stored. The only limitation I came accross is right on the first page: the FIFO buffer is 32k words deep. 32.000 hits sounds like a crazy amount to me, but ok.

Would it be better to put the data into a list of unspecified length, coding the channel number with higher bits that are not used by the hit time? Otherwise we have a problem if (in a very hypothetic case) the 129th hit for a given channel appears in the data.

Best greetings


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