[subexp-daq] DAQ compile from scratch

Håkan T Johansson f96hajo at chalmers.se
Sat Apr 13 03:35:09 CEST 2024

And another small update to the compile instructions.

-------------- next part --------------


mkdir -p $MYDAQ

git clone git at gitlab.com:chalmers-subexp/nurdlib.git
git clone git at gitlab.com:chalmers-subexp/trloii.git
git clone git at gitlab.com:chalmers-subexp/r3bfuser.git
git clone git at git.chalmers.se:expsubphys/drasi.git
git clone git at git.chalmers.se:expsubphys/ucesb.git


# Download TRLO II gatewares and unpack (on PC):

cd $MYDAQ/trloii

wget http://fy.chalmers.se/~f96hajo/trloii/trloii_firmwares_f13d071c.tar.gz
tar -zxvf trloii_firmwares_f13d071c.tar.gz


cd $MYDAQ/trloii

# Workarounds (in case of compile issues below):

# In trloii/Makefile: Partially comment out line 3:
       proglinks # trigalign_dir

# In trloii/trloctrl/trlolib/src/trlo_setup_parser.y: Comment out line 60:
/* %define parse.error verbose */

# Build (PC, then VME board).

cd $MYDAQ/trloii

cd trloctrl
make fw_1409285e_trlo_build      # choose the vulom4b trlo
make fw_5e8f5ef4_tridi_build     # and for tridi


cd $MYDAQ/drasi


export TRLOII_PATH=$MYDAQ/trloii        # for nurdlib to find trloii

cd $MYDAQ/nurdlib


cd $MYDAQ/r3bfuser
make fuser_drasi

## Build (PC only).

cd $MYDAQ/ucesb
make empty


# Testing and upgrading TRLO II gateware (on VME board):

ADDR=XX  # Address selectors on VULOM4(b) board

cd $MYDAQ/trloii
# List gatewares in the 8 flash regions:
bin/vulomflash --addr=$ADDR --readprogs
# See which gateware is currently running (Look for output on line
# VOLUM+0 => 0xZZZZ1f20, ZZZZ is four first hex digits of identifier.)
bin/vulomflash --addr=$ADDR --read
# Restart FPGA with gateware from region N:
bin/vulomflash --addr=$ADDR --restart=N

# Write a (new) gateware image to region N, N _not_ 0:
bin/vulomflash --addr=$ADDR --prog=N fw/vulom4b_trlo/vlogic_4b.rbt
# Then check that it works:
bin/vulomflash --addr=$ADDR --restart=N
bin/vulomflash --addr=$ADDR --read

# Also use with a DAQ before writing to region 0, which is loaded on 
# cold start.  If region 0 image is bad, it may jam the VME bus and 
# prevent re-programming.  (--restart=N can be used after cold start.)


# Just using the trlo_ctrl to talk to the module.
# Without any argument, shall respond with two lines, second
# contain identifier and gateware synthesis time.
trloctrl/fw_1409285e_trlo/bin_ppc-.../trlo_ctrl --addr=$ADDR


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