[Relax-dn-pi] Meeting notes 2/5/2024

Jacqueline Plette jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se
Thu May 2 14:29:47 CEST 2024

Hej all,

Here are some meeting notes from today's meeting.

  1.  Midterm review - all documents (including agenda, presentation template and EC guidance) can be found here: [?Folder icon]  240702-03 Midterm review in BRU<https://chalmers.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/ChalmersRELAX-DN_all/Shared%20Documents/General/02%20Meetings/240702-03%20Midterm%20review%20in%20BRU?csf=1&web=1&e=ZhwUkI>
DC presentations to be ready by 18 June and SB review to be done by 25 June; JP to follow up on catering and dinner venue; shared dinner on 2nd of July
  2.  2nd training school at QUB - Choodle indicates 16-20 September as best option; PT to confirm with Dimitris; JP to issue visa invitation letters; re programme here is the feedback from the first training school: [?xlsx icon]  RELAX-DN Training Week Feedback & Suggestions(1-7).xlsx<https://chalmers.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/ChalmersRELAX-DN_all/Shared%20Documents/General/02%20Meetings/240319-22%20Training%20Days%20at%20QUB/RELAX-DN%20Training%20Week%20Feedback%20%26%20Suggestions(1-7).xlsx?d=w00f37152ed73464f959273944308e66c&csf=1&web=1&e=rRvVxh>
  3.  RELAX-DN seminar - Marco/Jacob to investigate with fellow students if once a month or other frequency and to bring back suggestions for topics
  4.  Blog posts on project website - to be done by students end of May; Jacob/Marco to follow up
  5.  Linked-in DC presentations - Vinh to start this activity as all students are now recruited.

Next meeting: 16 May
PS: JP not able to join due to another project review meeting.

Sunny regards from Gothenburg,

Best regards,
Jacqueline Plette

Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se<mailto:Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se>

EU Grant Manager

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