[Relax-dn-pi] meeting notes 13/6

Jacqueline Plette jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se
Thu Jun 13 14:22:08 CEST 2024

Hej all,

Some short notes from today's meeting:

  1.  Feedback from the meeting with the new PO on 12/6 (Jacqueline and Philippas)
  2.  Ensure that all students are aware of all material (GA, RELAX-DN info package and mobility declarations, Review material, MSCA in general (Green, Alumni, etc.)) - ACTION: JP to send out reminder to all
  3.  To integrate the 3 last recruited students from TCD and ICCS, there will be a dedicated session on the rehearsal day (2 July); ACTION: Dimitris/Andrea to share material from Belfast training days with their students
  4.  Preparation for the Review meeting

  1.  Rehearsal schedule open for suggestions: [?docx icon]  RELAX_midterm review meeting agenda 2-3 July 2024.docx<https://chalmers.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/ChalmersRELAX-DN_all/Shared%20Documents/General/02%20Meetings/240702-03%20Midterm%20review%20in%20BRU/RELAX_midterm%20review%20meeting%20agenda%202-3%20July%202024.docx?d=w151c60654f234ab8a8fc35fd0078b210&csf=1&web=1&e=y1Fjk4>
  2.  All SB to talk to their students about their own projects and their career plan
  3.  Presentation should be about the Big picture
  4.  Take the MSCA information material into account when reviewing the slides
  5.  Make sure that first Co-supervision meetings with Associated Partners are done
  6.  Marco will reach out to all for more posts on web pages and social media

  1.  Network seminars

  1.  Will formally start in September with paper discussions

  1.  Next training week at QUB: planning is progressing well
  2.  Next meeting: 27/6

Best regards,
Jacqueline Plette

Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se<mailto:Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se>

EU Grant Manager

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