[Driftstörning] Studentportal, vissa tjänster nere, bla tentamensanmälan
Hasse S G Freij
hazze at chalmers.se
Fre Feb 22 16:21:57 CET 2013
(in english below)
Vissa tjänster kan fn inte användas pga problem med en databaskoppling mot den gamla studieportalen.
Bland annat fungerar inte tentamensanmälan. Vi bedömmer det som osannolikt att vi kan fixa problemet
idag, så felet kommer att kvarstå tills på måndag.,
Some services in the Student Portal are not available. This is caused by a fault database connection
and we are probably not able to solve this today, so the problem will be solved on Monday.
-------- Details (in English only) ----------
Start of problem: Friday 15.00
Estimated to be solved: Monday Feb 25, 14.00
Affected users: Students
Affected system: student.portal.chalmers.se
Chalmers ServiceDesk
//Hasse Freij
Tel: 031-772 6600 (031-772 6500 student)
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