[Driftstörning] FIXAD: Problem med uppkoppling till Internet / Problems with Internet connectivity

Fredrik Mellström traal at chalmers.se
Tors Dec 20 11:52:38 CET 2012

(Translation in English below.)


Det var ett kort avbrott i Chalmers uppkoppling till resten av Internet. 
  Vår internetleverantör, Sunet, hade en oplanerad driftstörning, som är 
avhjälpt sedan 11:35


There was a brief outage in Chalmers connection with the rest of 
Internet.  Our ISP, SUNET, had an unscheduled problem with their 
network, which is fixed since 11.35 a.m.

--------  Details (in english only) ----------

Start of problem: 11.23 a.m. (Thu Dec 20, 2012)

(Will be) solved at: 11.35 a.m.

Affected users: Everybody

Affected systems: Chalmers connection with the rest of Internet

(Note: Affected users/systems might be wrong or different, this
is a quick estimate, before all facts are known to us.)


Med vänlig hälsning / Kind Regards
Chalmers ServiceDesk, IT-Service
Fredrik Mellström
WEB: http://www.chalmers.se/its
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