[Driftstörning] Problem med nätverk / Problems with computer network

Fredrik Mellström traal at chalmers.se
Tors Dec 20 08:28:42 CET 2012

(Translation in English below.)


En central nätverkskomponent i stora serverhallen kraschade nyss, och 
var otillgänglig mellan kl 8:09 och c:a 8:19.

Nätverket bör nu fungera igen, men det kan kvarstå problem på vissa 
drabbade system i serverhallen ytterligare en stund.


A central network component in the main server hall just crashed, and 
was unavailable between 8.09 and around 8.19 a.m.

The network should be restored now, but lingering problems in some of 
the affected systems in the server hall could remain for some time.

--------  Details (in english only) ----------

Start of problem: 08.09 (Thu 20 Dec 2012)

(Will be) solved at: 8.19 (cirka)

Affected users: Everybody

Affected systems: Most of the computers in the main server hall

(Note: Affected users/systems might be wrong or different, this
is a quick estimate, before all facts are known to us.)


Med vänlig hälsning / Kind Regards
Chalmers ServiceDesk, IT-Service
Fredrik Mellström
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