[Driftstörning] Akut patchning sol.ita.chalmers.se

Frans Englund fe at chalmers.se
Ons Dec 7 12:22:37 CET 2011


Vi kommer att patcha unixfilservern idag efter kl 18.00 för att lösa en del uppkomna problem i samband med patchningen den 3:e december.
Avbrottet beräknas vara mindre än en timma.

We will patch the unix file server today at 6 pm to solve some problems related to the maintenance work on December 3.
Estimated downtime is less than one hour.

Affected users: Linux users, and group file areas on \\sol.ita.chalmers.se\groups<file:///\\sol.ita.chalmers.se\groups>
Some web pages will be down as well.

/Frans Englund, IT-service

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