[Driftstörning] Warning for Virus contaminated invoices
Hasse S G Freij
hazze at chalmers.se
Mon Jan 21 09:34:53 CET 2019
Hej / Hi (in egnlish further below
Detta är egentligen ingen driftstörning men jag bedömmer det som viktigt
Under helgen och även under morgonen har det till Chalmers kommit ett stort antal
mail med en "faktura" som innehåller någon form av virus.
Kännetecken är en bilaga med namn liknande "INV_ZL63075419-53.doc<https://service.portal.chalmers.se/var/storage/21047937978846830beafd30f50e2f7b/5c4580c9/66154c90/a5/0ca4/d616/f913392a26e841cf05b576/INV_ZL63075419-53.doc>" samt
att ärendemeningen är: "Namn Namn CR51396792-218 is ready for payment!"
eller "A Message from Name Name - Invoice"
Mailen ser ut att komma från någon annan person inom Chalmers.
Öppna inte dessa. Ignorera och kasta. Vi skall försöka gå igenom allas mailkonton
och radera dessa brev.
Sprid gärna info till kollegor
This weekend, and it is still continuing, we have at Chalmers received a lot of
emails containing an "invoice" that is virus infected.
Signs for recognitions are an attachment named "INV_ZL63075419-53.doc<https://service.portal.chalmers.se/var/storage/21047937978846830beafd30f50e2f7b/5c4580c9/66154c90/a5/0ca4/d616/f913392a26e841cf05b576/INV_ZL63075419-53.doc>" (or similar)
and a Subject like : "Name Name CR51396792-218 is ready for payment!" or
"A Message from Name Name - Invoice"
This email looks like they have been sent by some other person at Chalmers.
Do not open this letters. Ignore and throw away. We will try to delete those
mails that have been delivered.
Please share this info to colleagues!
//Hasse Freij
Chalmers IT-support
Example of this fake letter:
From: Name Name name.name at chalmers.se<mailto:kristina.orban.meunier at chalmers.se> (anatoliy.svetlichniy at tmm-express.com<mailto:anatoliy.svetlichniy at tmm-express.com>)
Sent: den 21 januari 2019 07:26
To: ...
Subject: A Message from Name Name - Invoice
Sorry for the delay?.
We acknowledge the receipt of your invoice(s).
To ensure timely payment of your invoice, we require the following information on each invoice submitted. (see attachments)
We look forward to working with you.
Name Name
name.name at chalmers.se
Privileged and/or confidential information may be contained in this message. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or are not
responsible for delivery of this message to that person) , you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this
message and notify the sender by reply e-mail.
Alternative verision
> Subject: Name Name Invoice: CR51396792-218 is ready for payment!
> Sorry for the delay?.
> Attached is a copy of the invoice you requested.
> I look foward to hearing from you.
> Name Name
> name.name at chalmers.se
> ?
> This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged
> information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the
> sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any
> copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than
> the intended recipient is unauthorised and may be illegal.
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