[Driftstörning] Uppdatering av file00 2017-05-25 & 2017-05-26 12:00-21:00

Sami Karjalainen Sami.Karjalainen at chalmers.se
Tors May 18 13:14:27 CEST 2017

In English below

Driftstörning central fil server: file00.chalmers.se

På Torsdag 25e och Fredag 26e Maj 2017 mellan 12:00-21:00 kommer vi uppdatera fil servern file00

Eftersom filservern består av flera noder kommer det bli flera kortare avbrott under tiden, mellan 1-5min.

Avbrotten ska inte påverka arbetet om man är inloggad men kan orsaka lite längre väntetider om man sparar filer eller loggar in just då.

De som kommer påverkas av avbrotten är:

Studentdatorerna med Windows

Anställda med stationära eller bärbara datorer som kör Windows, Mac eller Linux och arbetar mot filservern file00

In English

Service interruption file00

On Thursday 25th and Friday 26th of May 2017 between 12:00 and 21:00, we will be updating the fileserver file00

Since the fileserver consists of several nodes, there will be several shorter interruptions during this time, between 1-5 min

The interruptions should not have any impact if logged on but might cause longer delays if saving and logging on during the interruption

The ones affected by the interruptions are:

Student computers running Windows

Employees with stationary or laptop computer running Windows, Mac or Linux connected to fileserver file00

Affected services:     File storage on file00.chalmers.se

Start of disruption:   Thursday May 25, 2017 at 12:00

End of disruption:  Friday May 26, 2017 at 21:00

Affected users:  All computers and users with files stored on main fileserver.

Sami Karjalainen
Systemadministratör | Systemadministrator
Chalmers verksamhetsstöd | Chalmers Operations Support
IT-avdelningen | IT Office
+46(0)31 772 19 44
sami.karjalainen at chalmers.se<mailto:sami.karjalainen at chalmers.se>
Chalmers tekniska högskola | Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden

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