[Driftstörning] BaaS Service interruption this afternoon (17/12)

Erik Larsson erikl at chalmers.se
Tors Dec 17 10:10:02 CET 2015

Vår leverantör av backuptjänsten annonserar ett driftstopp i eftermiddag 
den 17/12 för att komma tillrätta med de problem de har haft senaste 

mvh Erik Larsson
Chalmers IT-avdelning

On Thu, 17 Dec 2015, Janne Johansson wrote:

> In the aftermath of the crashes last week and weekend, we need to make a few changes on the TSM server.
> We have identified one database drive that for some reason seriously underperforms for an SSD, which have made
> database transaction log migrations go far slower than they are created in the service, so it needs replacing.
> Also we will move to a newer version of TSM that has an amount of improvements regarding how its database
> is handled and indexed, which may or may not have been part of the root cause, but will lessen the burden
> on the service as it runs now.
> This forces downtime, which you will notice if your clients are set to run in the afternoon. According to
> the DB, some 11 nodes are scheduled for 1400 and 1600, so hopefully the actual impact should be low.
> Still, during this time, reports and meta-operations like deleting/creating nodes will also not be possible.
> For this, we will take down the service after lunch, when the regular machines have mostly completed all
> night runs, and the TSM database dump is safely moved over to an external storage unit as usual.
> Sorry for the short notice and the inconvenience this causes, but we are doing all we can to prevent yet
> another incident like last weekend.
> --
> Janne Johansson
> System Administrator Cloud Services
> Mob +46 733250753
> janne.johansson at ipnett.com
> IPnett
> Sweden, Norway & Denmark
> www.ipnett.com

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