[All.non-board.wacqt] What can researchers do for standardisation of quantum technology?

Johan Veiga Benesch johan.benesch at chalmers.se
Fre Juni 28 09:19:47 CEST 2024

Dear all in WACQT,

You are most welcome to join us on August 21st at 1pm at Chalmers University of Technology, the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience - MC2 (kemivägen 9), meeting room Donator, to discuss your possible involvement in the development of standards related to quantum technology. Your expertise and commitment can help shaping future standards that will affect the global quantum technology community.


  1.  The benefit as a researcher to contribute to the development of standards
     *   How can your research contribute to the design of standards in quantum technology?
     *   What are the benefits for researchers who actively participate in the standardization process?
  2.  The work process for the development of standards
     *   What is it like to work with the development of standards?
     *   What steps and involved parties are included in the process?
  3.  Current update about the development of standards within quantum technology
     *   Global work in standards development within quantum technology
     *   Specific working groups in Europe and Sweden - opportunities to become involved?

This meeting is an opportunity for you as a researcher to gain a greater understanding on how your involvement can make a difference in the standardization of quantum technology. Your participation and input can shape future guidelines in this exciting and growing area.


The workshop will take place on Wednesday the 21st of August 2024, between 13.00 - 14.30. You can either participate live at Chalmers University of Technology, department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience - MC2 (kemivägen 9), in room Donator, or you via Teams: Join the meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDRkYWMwNWItOTgzNC00ZDgwLTllNjQtYTcxMGE0OGE4ODBm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2229147a65-536d-43f9-b802-e0a1b5cf9dbf%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2270adec1e-a1fc-48ab-a50f-3ce5186220f5%22%7d>, Passcode: n9uYUa

Info and calendar posts can be found here: https://www.chalmers.se/en/current/calendar/wacqt-what-can-researchers-do-for-standardisation-of-quantum-technology/

Looking forward to seeing you on August 21st, at 1 pm at MC2

Med vänliga hälsningar,

Cristina Andersson, Viceprefekt för nyttiggörande på MC2

Johan Ek Weis, projektledare CIT och ordförande för SIS kommitté för standardutveckling inom nanoteknik

Johan Veiga Benesch, Vetenskaplig koordinator i WACQT

Gunilla Clancy, Innovationsrådgivare på Chalmers Innovationskontor
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