[All.non-board.wacqt] EDU-WACQT course development and coordination support

Peter Samuelsson peter.samuelsson at teorfys.lu.se
Ons Juni 12 21:18:46 CEST 2024

Dear all,

This mail is to inform that support for Quantum Technology (QT) course development and coordination can be applied for via the EDU-WACQT project, information is provided on the web page https://www.chalmers.se/en/centres/wacqt/education/course-development-call/.

Please note that the deadline for the first call round is June 20, very soon, but several of you involved in QT education at Swedish universities have been informed at an on-line meeting two weeks ago. The second call round is in October-November this fall, more information on this will follow.

Best regards,

Peter, for the WACQT graduate school.

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