[Agda] Version mixup

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Tue Jun 28 11:56:42 CEST 2022

On 2022-06-28 02:02, Philip Wadler wrote:
> I've installed a new version of Agda (, but emacs agda mode
> keeps using an older version (

Perhaps the binaries for Agda did not end up on your PATH.

> Using the "Switch to another version of Agda" option with Version
> gives the error message:
>      Could not find agda-mode-

This command looks for "agda-mode-<version>". If you want to use this
command, then you can for instance install Agda using something like
"cabal install Agda- --program-suffix=-" (assuming that
the binaries end up on your PATH). Note that the Emacs mode by default
uses "agda-mode", without a suffix, even if you used the "Switch to
another version of Agda" command the last time you used Emacs.


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