[Agda] On IRC, Slack, Gitter, Discord, and Zulip (re: Hanging out with the Lean crowd)

Andreas Källberg anka.213 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 16:34:31 CEST 2020

> On 21 Aug 2020, at 13:57, Nils Anders Danielsson <nad at cse.gu.se> wrote:
> One property of e-mail that I like is that one can choose between many
> different clients. Does the same apply to any of the other communication
> methods being discussed?

Discourse has the advantage of allowing you to treat it more or less as a mailing list, so that could help with the migration if we would like to move there. And it would allow those who want to, to continue interacting with the list using their usual email client, while others interact via the web interface.
https://discourse.julialang.org/t/discourse-as-a-mailing-list/57 <https://discourse.julialang.org/t/discourse-as-a-mailing-list/57>
https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-vs-email-mailing-lists/54298 <https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-vs-email-mailing-lists/54298>

There also seems to be an option for automatically importing data from a mailing list:
https://meta.discourse.org/t/importing-mailing-lists-mbox-listserv-google-groups-emails/79773 <https://meta.discourse.org/t/importing-mailing-lists-mbox-listserv-google-groups-emails/79773>

/Andreas Källberg
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