[Agda] commutative ring solver
mechvel at scico.botik.ru
mechvel at scico.botik.ru
Mon Apr 13 18:36:57 CEST 2020
Can anybody, please, advise on the following subject?
I need to prove in Agda the statements like
(a b c : Carrier) → (a - b) * c ≈ c * a - c * b
(a bit more complex ones)
in the environment of CommutativeRing.
What is an appropriate kind of a solver in lib-1.3 ?
What to import? How to call?
I attempted with the code like
import Algebra.Solver.Ring.AlmostCommutativeRing as ACR
open import Relation.Binary using (Decidable)
module _ {α α=} (R : CommutativeRing α α=)
(open CommutativeRing R using (Carrier; _≈_; _-_; _*_)
renaming (refl to ≈refl)
(_≟_ : Decidable _≈_)
module ACRSolver = Solver (ACR.fromCommutativeSemiring R) _≟_
open ACRSolver
lemma : (a b c : Carrier) → (a - b) * c ≈ c * a - c * b
lemma a b c =
solve 3 (λ x y z → (x :- y) :* z := (z :* x) :- (z :* y))
≈refl a b c
And it is not type-checked.
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