[Agda] Induction from Sigma?

Joey Eremondi joey.eremondi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 16:37:36 CEST 2020

Sorry, I've been a bit sloppy with what I'm saying.

Btw, I don’t know what “(Foo , Foo)” is supposed to mean. We are not doing
> Haskell here. I guess you mean Foo x Foo?

Yes, that's exactly what I mean.

You say that you want to show that “P holds for Foo”? What is P? It seems
> that you are thinking of a property of types.

What I mean is that "P Foo" is inhabited. The specific P I'm using is a
record type that's basically describing operations over P, so it's less of
a property and more of an interface.  I'm just being sloppy with what I
mean under Curry-Howard.

What does it mean that “P holds under isomorphism”?

What I mean is find a function "(A B : Set) -> (A <-> B) -> P A -> P B",
where <-> is isomorphism

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