[Agda] Disappearing unicode in Literate Agda - XeLatex

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Sat Dec 30 18:15:07 CET 2017

On 2017-12-30 14:47, Matthew Daggitt wrote:
> When I compile it using XeLatex (or LuaLatex) everything compiles
> without errors and it all appears fine (including the first ℕ symbol
> outside of the code block) except that the ℕ symbol inside the
> \AgdaDatatype{} command doesn't appear.

This is a known problem:

   LaTeX backend + XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX ⇒ no lambda

I assume that the output from XeLaTeX includes something like the

   Missing character: There is no ℕ in font cmss10!

This can be handled in different ways. I've used newunicodechar, but
this solution does not play well together with microtype, which is used
by acmart. For my latest paper I decided to use pdfLaTeX instead. (I
used \DeclareUnicodeCharacter, and gave the nofontsetup and
noinputencodingsetup options to agda.sty.)


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