[agda] agda2-mode not found and further errors

Mandy Martino tesleft at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 2 03:49:10 CET 2016

i meet  error  can not find  agda2-mode when install again,
then  i  follow  link  below

martin at ubuntu:~/agda/agda-$ agda --versionAgda version
and  download  https://github.com/emacs-pe/agda2-mode
to  ubuntu 12 ,  but  it can not  compile  since do not have  cask even if  apt-get  update
martin at ubuntu:~/agda/agda2-mode/agda2-mode$ make/bin/sh: 1: cask: not foundmake: cask: Command not foundmake: Nothing to be done for `build'.martin at ubuntu:~/agda/agda2-mode/agda2-mode$ sudo apt-get install caskReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency tree       Reading state information... DoneE: Unable to locate package caskmartin at ubuntu:~/agda/agda2-mode/agda2-mode$ 
then i   gedit  ~/.emacs
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/martin/agda/agda2-mode/agda2-mode/")(autoload 'agda2-mode "agda2-mode" "Agda2 mode." t)(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.l?agda$" . agda2-mode))
and then  load-library  in  emacs   and  agda2-mode again, it return  no  cl-lib,  then  i  create cl-lib.el  in  /home/martin/agda/agda2-mode/agda2-mode/

then  it  return  error  emacs symbol's function definition is void 

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