[Agda] I'm not sure... case for the constructor ..., because I get stuck when trying to solve...

Dmytro Starosud d.starosud at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 11:28:33 CET 2014

Thanks, Andreas,

I had a kind of similar thoughts, but needed confirmation.
So, the rule is "do not use functional dependencies as a family indexes,
but just constructors".
Please correct if this is not accurate statement.

What is the root cause (I mean what difficulties in compiler/theory) which
sometimes doesn't allow solving such unification problems?

Thanks a lot,

2014-12-06 10:57 GMT+02:00 Andreas Abel <abela at chalmers.se>:

> The problem is that you are indexing your family Term by non-patterns in
> some of the constructor cases.  Then Agda can sometimes not solve the
> unification constraints involved in dependent pattern matching, and gives
> up or produces error messages.  The solution is to use explicit proofs of
> equality in your constructors instead.
> Here is a cut-down version of your plight:
> module _ where
> open import Data.Bool
> open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
> module NonPatternFamily where
>   data Term : Bool → Set where
>     I : Term false
>     App : (a b : Bool) → Term a → Term b → Term (a ∨ b)
>       -- Non-pattern in target of App
>       -- _∨_ is a defined function, not a constructor.
>   fails : Term false → Set
>   fails (App false false I x) = Bool
>   fails _ = Bool
>   -- a ∨ b != false of type Bool
>   -- when checking that the pattern App false false I x has type
>   -- Term false
> -- Radical fix: no index to Term, just parameter:
> module JustData where
>   -- Version with no indices at all, only parameters.
>   data Term (i : Bool) : Set where
>     I   : i ≡ false → Term i
>     App : (a b : Bool) → i ≡ a ∨ b → Term a → Term b → Term i
>   test : Term false → Set
>   test (App false false refl (I refl) x) = Bool
>   test _ = Bool
> -- Moderate fix: retain the index in harmless (pattern case).
> module PatternFamily where
>   -- Version with index,
>   -- but using equality when non-pattern index would be needed.
>   data Term : (i : Bool) → Set where
>     I   : Term false
>     App : (i a b : Bool) → i ≡ a ∨ b → Term a → Term b → Term i
>   test : Term false → Set
>   test (App .false false false refl I x) = Bool
>   test _ = Bool
> Hope that helps,
> Andreas
> On 05.12.2014 22:47, Dmytro Starosud wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> I am trying to write a function on indexed types:
>> https://gist.github.com/dima-starosud/7100947b0e243ea6a034
>> But I cannot understand the reason of the error messages shown, and how
>> to solve issues arisen.
>> Please see a gist (link above).
>> Ideally I wanted "reduce₁". But that didn't compile. (And I think I can
>> imagine the reason why)
>> Next attempt was "reduce₂". But this would involve a lot of unnecessary
>> code on RHSs.
>> Than I decided to improve it and got "reduce₃", but it gave me
>> completely puzzling error message.
>> Please help me to understand all that stuff Agda communicates to me.
>> I would like something really simple (like "reduce₁"), probably with
>> help of *pattern*s.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Dmytro
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> --
> Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.
> Department of Computer Science and Engineering
> Chalmers and Gothenburg University, Sweden
> andreas.abel at gu.se
> http://www2.tcs.ifi.lmu.de/~abel/
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