[Agda] I'm not sure... case for the constructor ..., because I get stuck when trying to solve...

Andreas Abel abela at chalmers.se
Sat Dec 6 09:57:39 CET 2014

The problem is that you are indexing your family Term by non-patterns in 
some of the constructor cases.  Then Agda can sometimes not solve the 
unification constraints involved in dependent pattern matching, and 
gives up or produces error messages.  The solution is to use explicit 
proofs of equality in your constructors instead.

Here is a cut-down version of your plight:

module _ where

open import Data.Bool
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

module NonPatternFamily where

   data Term : Bool → Set where
     I : Term false
     App : (a b : Bool) → Term a → Term b → Term (a ∨ b)
       -- Non-pattern in target of App
       -- _∨_ is a defined function, not a constructor.

   fails : Term false → Set
   fails (App false false I x) = Bool
   fails _ = Bool

   -- a ∨ b != false of type Bool
   -- when checking that the pattern App false false I x has type
   -- Term false

-- Radical fix: no index to Term, just parameter:

module JustData where

   -- Version with no indices at all, only parameters.

   data Term (i : Bool) : Set where
     I   : i ≡ false → Term i
     App : (a b : Bool) → i ≡ a ∨ b → Term a → Term b → Term i

   test : Term false → Set
   test (App false false refl (I refl) x) = Bool
   test _ = Bool

-- Moderate fix: retain the index in harmless (pattern case).

module PatternFamily where

   -- Version with index,
   -- but using equality when non-pattern index would be needed.

   data Term : (i : Bool) → Set where
     I   : Term false
     App : (i a b : Bool) → i ≡ a ∨ b → Term a → Term b → Term i

   test : Term false → Set
   test (App .false false false refl I x) = Bool
   test _ = Bool

Hope that helps,

On 05.12.2014 22:47, Dmytro Starosud wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I am trying to write a function on indexed types:
> https://gist.github.com/dima-starosud/7100947b0e243ea6a034
> But I cannot understand the reason of the error messages shown, and how
> to solve issues arisen.
> Please see a gist (link above).
> Ideally I wanted "reduce₁". But that didn't compile. (And I think I can
> imagine the reason why)
> Next attempt was "reduce₂". But this would involve a lot of unnecessary
> code on RHSs.
> Than I decided to improve it and got "reduce₃", but it gave me
> completely puzzling error message.
> Please help me to understand all that stuff Agda communicates to me.
> I would like something really simple (like "reduce₁"), probably with
> help of *pattern*s.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dmytro
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Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers and Gothenburg University, Sweden

andreas.abel at gu.se

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