[Agda] Re: TeX capacity exceeded

Stevan Andjelkovic stevan.andjelkovic at strath.ac.uk
Sun Jan 12 11:39:37 CET 2014

Abhishek Anand <abhishek.anand.iitg at ...> writes:
> Is the problem fixed in the version 2.3.3 available via cabal? 
> (I'm getting errors while building Agda from sources.)
> Also, is there a standard library that compatible with 2.3.3?
> I'm getting the error:
> abhishek <at> abhishek-VirtualBox:~/share/doc$ agda --latex -i
> [...]
> Duplicate binding for built-in thing LEVEL, previous binding to
> .Agda.Primitive.Level
> when checking the pragma BUILTIN LEVEL Level


The problem is fixed in the development version of Agda, see the following
page for instructions on how to get and install it:


The error you are getting is probably caused by not having Agda and the
standard library in sync -- if you are using the development version of Agda
you should also be using the development version of the standard library.
You can find the development version of the standard library here:


Hope that helps,

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