[Agda] Highest Level seen?

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at chalmers.se
Sun Dec 30 13:17:30 CET 2012

On 2012-12-22 17:11, Jacques Carette wrote:
> In standard mathematics, when people worry about size, they tend to go
> with sets, classes, and super-classes (sometimes called
> conglomerates), and no higher. This would seem to indicate that, 'in
> the wild', Set_2 is all that is really needed. Of course, given the
> sloppiness of standard mathematics, one wonders if what they do really
> does level-check...

I have used Set₃:


I can't recall having used Set₄, and (at the time of writing) get zero
hits when I search for Set₄ using Google.


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