[Agda] Typed vs untyped lambda abstractions

Thierry Coquand coquand at chalmers.se
Mon Aug 27 13:25:16 CEST 2012

 Hello Andreas,

 You write

When building a set-theoretic semantics, the type annotation at the lambda lets you build a set-theoretic function, so you can define the denotation of a term directly.

For a categorical semantics, additional type annotation at application seems useful, see Streicher's PhD.

 On the other hand, using Theorems 4.12 and 4.13 of Streicher's PhD
one can give categorical and set-theoretic semantics as well of the calculus with "untyped application
and even with untyped function abstraction" , which is the calculus used in Agda.
(Using these results one can lift any derivation of the untyped calculus into a typed one in an essentially
unique way.)

Best regards,

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