[Agda] A proof of omniscience in Agda

Peter Hancock hancock at spamcop.net
Sat Sep 3 17:04:29 CEST 2011

> However, if you enlarge the set of natural numbers with a point at
> infinity, then you get a set that constructively satisfies the
> principle of omniscience (in all varieties of constructive
> mathematics).

I'm sure it's just a presentational point, but this *sounds* like

   If you eat a lot of strong cheese before bed-time, you can get
   bad dreams

which makes me feel: well, in that case, don't eat strong cheese
before bed-time.  Maybe announcing mathematical results should be different
from writing headlines for red-top newspapers. Have you really debauched the
set of natural numbers, or just made some other set of other things?(Smiley.)

(Still struggling, in a decrepit way, through your Agda....)

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