[Agda] binder for existential quantifier

Martin Escardo m.escardo at cs.bham.ac.uk
Fri Apr 8 11:08:46 CEST 2011

Dear Agda list members,

If I define the existential quantifier as follows:

   Ω = Set -- type of propositions

   data ∃ {X : Set} (A : X → Ω) : Ω where
     ∃-intro : (x₀ : X) → A x₀ → ∃(\(x : X) → A x)

then I have to write

   ∃(\(x : X) → A x)       (*)

rather than

   ∃ (x : X) → A x         (**)

as one can do with the universal quantifier.

This is tolerable, but I would prefer to be able to write (**).

Can this be done with a "syntax" declaration?


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