[Agda] Re: [Coq-Club] Re: Agda beats Coq

Arnaud Spiwack Arnaud.Spiwack at lix.polytechnique.fr
Mon Nov 24 22:51:01 CET 2008

As hour being late, I wasn't being as clear as I should. I meant that 
bisimilarity implies intentionnal equality *in Coq* (and so it does in 
Agda2 if I'm not mistaken). But this doesn't close the case. (as I was 
saying I personnally believe we shouldn't have this property).

Arnaud Spiwack

Arnaud Spiwack a écrit :
> As a matter of fact, the most natural bisimalirity on streams does 
> imply intentionnal equality. Which can be considered quite useful, but 
> I've got the feeling it's not a good idea. This is actually what makes 
> that Coq conversion is not decidable or Coq doesn't have subject 
> reduction (choose whichever you want). There are quite some 
> metaphysical issues here. ITT, ETT, OTT, whichever intermediate 
> alternative, Impredicative, Predicative, ... There is enough to fight 
> over all night long.
> Arnaud Spiwack
> Xavier Leroy a écrit :
>> Aaron Bohannon wrote:
>>> [...] That is, may I safely assert that a standard definition of
>>> bisimilarity on a coinductive data type implies the default
>>> (intensional) equality ("=")?  (I don't know if this question is
>>> relevant to Agda.)
>> Thanks for raising this question, as I've been wondering about it for
>> a while.
>> Let me take streams (infinite lists) as a concrete example of
>> coinductive datatype.  My (limited) understanding is that you could
>> make a set-theoretic model of streams where a stream of A is a
>> function nat -> A, so your property would amount to function
>> extensionality, which holds in this model.  However, I'm pretty sure
>> that if you assert function extensionality as an axiom in Coq, you
>> still cannot prove the extensionality property over streams stated
>> above...
>> Expecting more informed replies from true logicians,
>> - Xavier Leroy
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