[Dsai.phd] Workshop for DSAI PhD-student on the work as a Teaching Assistant

Birgit Grohe birgit.grohe at cse.gu.se
Thu Sep 24 11:48:27 CEST 2020

Dear PhD-students at DSAI!

We plan to organize a workshop for the PhD-students at DSAI to discuss practical details about as welll as expectations on your duties as TAs in our courses.

The rough plan is to start by meeting for 1-2 hours online some time in October and discuss questions that usually arise when TA-ing, how different TA-ing can be for different courses/examiners etc. To prepare the meeting, I would like to ask 1-2 of the new(er) PhD-students with some prior experience of TA-ing (possibly as student-TA) to help collect interesting and relevant questions for the workshop.

Please answer the following:

a) Indicate if you are interested in the workshop or not: https://doodle.com/poll/y5zpshzr4up5da45

b) Please write a short email if you can help me collect input for the workshop, reply preferably no later than Monday 28/9.

Regards Birgit
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