[Chemicalphysicstheory] Running Vasp on Vera2

Rasmus Svensson rassve at chalmers.se
Wed Nov 2 11:16:33 CET 2022


VASP 5.4.4 with VTST-tools is compiled and working on Vera2 now. (No queue on the new nodes on vera2, yey!)

If you want to run on vera2 you can use the new skylake nodes, but then you also need to make a reservation for Rocky Linux 8(!).

Here is a small submit-script for vera2:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#SBATCH -p vera

#SBATCH -A C3SE2022-1-13

#SBATCH -J run

#SBATCH --reservation=rocky8


#SBATCH -n 32

#SBATCH -t 10:00:00

#SBATCH -o stdout

#SBATCH -e stderr

module purge

module load VASP/


#ulimit -s unlimited

mpirun vasp_std


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