[Agda-dev] Run the testsuite before pushing to master

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Wed Apr 10 17:45:35 CEST 2019

On 10/04/2019 17.08, Andres Sicard Ramirez wrote:
> I think xelatex needs the fonts installed in your system. Does the
> installation of the Ubuntu package fonts-linuxlibertine fix the
> problem?

The error message states that the \newfontfamily command is not
available. This command comes from the fontspec package.

Andrea did not state which file triggered this error (there are several
tests related to XeLaTeX that include this line), but my guess would be
that the error is restricted to the file acmart-xelatex.lagda.tex, which
is the only one that uses \newfontfamily and does not load fontspec.
With my current setup the fontspec package is loaded by acmart (via
libertine) when XeLaTeX is used, but perhaps we shouldn't rely on that

Andrea, can the problem be fixed by adding "\usepackage{fontspec}"
before the offending line?


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