[subexp-daq] lwrocmerge stream server problem coupled with Go4

Bajzek, Martin M.Bajzek at gsi.de
Mon Jan 20 13:57:37 CET 2025

Dear Joern,

that could explain it. I'll have a brief look at the documentation later this week.

Thank you for investigating!


-- Martin

From: Adamczewski-Musch, Joern Dr.
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2025 9:43:29 AM
To: Bajzek, Martin
Subject: Re: lwrocmerge stream server problem coupled with Go4

Dear Martin,

thank you for this request.

 From the error message in the Go4 debug output, it seems that the event
that Go4 receives from your stream or transport server implementation
does not like the event type in the header

(please see

The TGo4MbsSource currently does accept MBS events of types 10 or 4 only.

This event type is set in the event header field s_ve10_1.i_type (in Go4
the event header is passed to fxEvent by f_evt_get_event() of the
underlying MBS event api).

In your case, Go4 finds 0 as i_type value and thus rejects it.

So either your drasi server does not fill the i_type correctly when
sending the event buffer, or the first data in the received buffer do
not contain an event structure, but something else that Go4 does not
understand, as it always expects it as s_ve10_1.

Maybe this helps to debug the issue.



On 1/17/25 16:53, Bajzek, Martin wrote:
> Dear Jörn,
> there's a small issue with Go4 (version 603-00), where if the Go4
> analysis connects to a client (transport or stream),
> spawned from a drasi process, and not MBS, or UCESB/MREV, then the
> following error happens:
>  > GO4-*> Analysis loop is starting...
>  > GO4-*> MBS source:: First event = 0 step = 0
>  >
>  > GO4-d>  !!! Mbs Source --  ERROR: Unknown event type 0 !!!
> In gdb I see only:
> Catchpoint 1 (exception thrown), 0x00007ffff72a90a1 in __cxa_throw ()
> from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x00007ffff72a90a1 in __cxa_throw () from
> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
> #1  0x00007ffff7ee4865 in TGo4MbsSource::BuildMbsEvent(TGo4MbsEvent*) ()
> from /cvmfs/eel.gsi.de/debian12-x86_64/go4/603-00/lib/libGo4Analysis.so
> #2  0x00007ffff7ee42c7 in TGo4MbsSource::BuildEvent(TGo4EventElement*)
> () from /cvmfs/eel.gsi.de/debian12-x86_64/go4/603-00/lib/libGo4Analysis.so
> I'm forwarding Haakan's ideas, maybe you would know why is this a case?
> -- Martin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Håkan T Johansson <f96hajo at chalmers.se>
> *Sent:* Friday, January 17, 2025 3:50:48 PM
> *To:* Bajzek, Martin
> *Cc:* Klenze, Philipp; Hubbard, Nicolas James Dr.;
> subexp-daq at lists.chalmers.se
> *Subject:* Re: lwrocmerge stream server problem coupled with Go4
> Dear Martin,
> Does it work to connect the go4 to a transport server?
> (The protocols are very similar, the only on-wire difference is actually
> that a stream server sends back a request to get a new block of data every
> time.  but drasi does not care about that, it just sends data anyhow, and
> eats whatever garbage (request) the consumer is sending to it).
> Both transport and stream protocols start by sendsing a 16-byte 'info'
> header to the client.  This I have abused a bit to send some additional
> information about port mapping.  This may actually be only in the stream
> case and not in the transport case, since there the data transmission
> starts without any further request, such that I cannot play that trick.)
> It may be that go4 does not like that abuse.  However, those port map
> tricks were first done in ucesb, so should be the same.  So that is a bit
> of a wonder then...
> Other test: can you use a plain go4 ('empty' equivalent) and see if that
> is willing to eat the data from drasi?  If not, we have source so can
> debug...
> Hmm, the drasi '--server' option has the 'forcemap' option, but that would
> surely not help.  One could implement a 'nomap' ('noportmap') option to
> turn these tricks off, if they turn out to be the issue.  That then leads
> to the fun with 'port-in-use', but that's another story...
> What may then be nicer to use is (if transport protocol works) to just use
> a transport server, but on another port.  And tell that --server to be
> 'nohold'.  That is then the equivalent of a transport server in that it
> does not hinder the DAQ if it does not keep up.
> I'm Cc'ing the subexp-daq at lists.chalmers.se also, as this info may be
> useful for someone else.  (And also that this might be a point that could
> use better documentation...  A small protocol description...)
> Cheers,
> Håkan
> On Fri, 17 Jan 2025, Bajzek, Martin wrote:
>> Dear Haakan,
>> there's an issue if a Go4 client connects to a stream server from drasi
>> timeorderer (lwrocmerge executable).
>> The client connects successfully but throws some error (can't debug with
>> -ggdb3, as the build is not ours) on the very first event.
>> Says that something is wrong with the event source.
>> However, if I spawn] a UCESB intermediary:
>> ./empty/empty stream://daq --server=stream
>> Then everything works fine..
>> Could this be that the LMD packets in lwrocmerge stream server are different
>> than in the UCESB empty server?
>> If not, what would be the suspect?
>> Cheers,
>> -- Martin

// Dr. J"orn Adamczewski-Musch              (J.Adamczewski at gsi.de)
// GO4 project team / data processing group Tel: +49-6159-71-1337
// Experiment Electronics department (EEL)  FAX: +49-6159-71-2986
// GSI Helmholtzzentrum f"ur Schwerionenforschung GmbH
// Planckstraße 1
// D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany
// www.gsi.de
// Commercial Register / Handelsregister:
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// Managing Directors / Gesch"aftsf"uhrung:
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//      Dr. Katharina Stummeyer
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