[subexp-daq] Question on UCESB / UPEXPS

Håkan T Johansson f96hajo at chalmers.se
Fri Mar 22 13:06:25 CET 2024

Dear Günter,

feel free to respond to issues separately, it was quite a bunch of 
questions :-)  (I like!)

On Fri, 22 Mar 2024, Weber, Guenter Dr. wrote:

> Dear friends,
> we have now checked the code for the SIS3316 module and will push a version
> with some bug fixes soon.

That is excellent news!

> The next thing on our list is to understand how we can access and store the
> data that we produce. Bastian told us the following command to write LMD
> files to hard disk:
> /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2021_mcalstruck/drasi/bin/lwrocctrl
> localhost --file-open=auto=1Gi,${file}
> How does this LWROCCTRL work together with the Event Builder and UCESB which
> are started by the following commands?
> ../drasi/bin/lwrocmerge \
>     --label=MCAL_EB \
>     --merge-mode=event \
>     --server=trans,flush=1 \
>     --server=stream,flush=1 \
>     --buf=size=800Mi \
>     --max-ev-size=10Mi \
>     --eb-master=rio4-mcal-2 \
>     --file-writer \
>     --drasi=rio4-mcal-2
> ------------------------------------

lwrocctrl works by communicating with drasi instances.
for the lwrocctrl --file... options, it should be an instance which has a 
--file-writer specified.

You can run the lwrocctrl also from another machine (e.g. your PC), but 
then instead of 'localhost' give the name (or IP) of the machine where the 
instance is running.

For the communication to work, both have to find a directory 
~/.drasi_tokens/ with one or more common files which it will do a cheap 
hash of.  That is just some very minor protection against mistakes (users 
talking with the wrong machine.  It is not a security measure as such.

To see if an instance is willing to talk, you can try

PATH-TO-DRASI/bin/bin/lwrocctrl --file-status [node]

> while :
> do
> ~/mbsrun/rio4/mcalstruck/ucesb/empty/empty \
>     stream://localhost \
>     --server=stream:8001,bufsize=10Mi,flush=1,dataport:7001
> sleep 5
> done    

That connects to the server above (lwrocmerge) started with 

And its --server option means it will act as a kind of proxy server.  I.e. 
other users that want data can connect to that instead of directly to the 
DAQ process.

> Moreover, to read in the online data stream as well as the LMD files from
> disk, to us it looks like Bastian used a programm called UCESB_IN which is
> using a mapping that is defined within UPEXPS to interpret the content of
> the LMD files. To us it looks like UCESB_IN is like a wrapper for UCESB to
> do a mapping of the content of the LMD events and to send out a data stream
> of some of this content. Attached please find the configuration file for

The attached .cfg file looks like a setup for Bastii's nupeline, which I 
have very little clue about.

Indeed it sure looks like it in turn uses an UCESB unpacker.  With the 
source in upexps.  That (upexps) has maintenance issues.

Perhaps someone else reading this mailing list is also using unpackers 
from the upexps?  If so, now would be a good time to speak up, because I 
think we need to figure out how to have something backwards compatible and 
maintainable for you, without being 'encouraged' to do the maintenance 
work that other users at GSI (R3B) refuse to do...

> Here, we are not sure up to which point there is a common approach to read
> experimental data and beyond that everybody is on his own.

... while still sharing as much as possible with other users.

> Many thanks and best greetings from Jena
> Günter


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