[subexp-daq] New warning meassage in R3BFUSER

Weber, Guenter Dr. g.weber at hi-jena.gsi.de
Mon Jul 15 16:42:44 CEST 2024

Dear Håkan,

my f_user.c has the identical block at the identical position.

Removing the STRUCK modules from main.cfg does not change the situation:

10: crate/crate.c:1196: crate_init(MCAL) }
10: ctrl/ctrl.c:1046: Control server online.
Message not logged - thread has no error buffer yet...
10: f_user.c:559: WR ID=0x200.
10: f_user.c:565: TS offset unset. Will not modify stamp.
10: f_user.c:572: TPAT: No.
10: f_user.c:573: Sync-check: No.
10: f_user.c:575: Spill triggers: No.
10: f_user.c:576: LMU: No.
10: f_user.c:577: Timer latches: No.
10: f_user.c:578: Spill shape: No.
10: f_user.c:579: Micro-structure: No.
10: f_user.c:581: Multi-event flag: No.
10: f_user.c:586: UDP destination: None.
1: lwroc_main.c:132: SIGSEGV received.
1: -:0: Backtrace:
1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100ae20c]
1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100ad56c]
1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100ae518]
1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100a6374]
1: -:0: [0x100344]
1: -:0: [(nil)]
1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100066c0]
1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x10073774]
1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100a6e98]
1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100a7f38]
1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100a6890]
1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100a5dc0]
1: -:0: /lib/libc.so.6 [0xfb91260]
1: -:0: /lib/libc.so.6 [0xfb913ec]
1: -:0: Backtrace (again, with addr2line):
1: -:0: lwroc_dump_backtrace /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_message_internal.c:951
1: -:0: lwroc_do_message_internal /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_message_internal.c:1590
1: -:0: lwroc_message_internal /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_message_internal.c:1692
1: -:0: lwroc_sighandler /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_main.c:132
1: -:0: ?? ??:0
sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 0: `addr2line -a -f -i -C -p (nil) -e ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi 2> /dev/null'
sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 0: `addr2line -i -f -C (nil) -e ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi 2> /dev/null'
1: -:0: f_user_readout /mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/r3bfuser/f_user.c:975
1: -:0: fud_read_event /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/f_user_daq/f_user_daq.c:607
1: -:0: lwroc_triva_event_loop /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_triva_readout.c:463
1: -:0: lwroc_triva_readout /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_triva_readout.c:818
1: -:0: lwroc_main_loop /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_readout.c:153
1: -:0: main /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_main.c:712
1: -:0: ?? ??:0
1: -:0: ?? ??:0
1: -:0: Backtrace (again, addresses):
1: -:0: 0x0x100ae20c:
1: -:0: 0x0x100ad56c:
1: -:0: 0x0x100ae518:
1: -:0: 0x0x100a6374:
1: -:0: 0x0x100344:
1: -:0: 0x(nil):
1: -:0: 0x0x100066c0:
1: -:0: 0x0x10073774:
1: -:0: 0x0x100a6e98:
1: -:0: 0x0x100a7f38:
1: -:0: 0x0x100a6890:
1: -:0: 0x0x100a5dc0:
1: -:0: 0x0xfb91260:
1: -:0: 0x0xfb913ec:
1: -:0: BUG or FATAL reported.
1: -:0: Sleeping INDEFINITELY (to allow debugger attachment).
1: -:0: Debug cmd: cd /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/rio4-mcal-1 ; gdb ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi 25186
1: -:0: Performing hardware cleanup (TRIVA HALT, RESET) in 2 s...
8: lwroc_triva_state.c:1999: Master TRIVA/MI has error (status = 0x410).
8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2708: Issue during test/run (33), tell master and slaves to abort.
Send slave abort readout. (1)
Send master abort (0x200).
10: lwroc_triva_control.c:863: TRIVA control: run abort request received.
9: lwroc_triva_control.c:1032: TRIVA control: run aborted - waiting for readout...
8: lwroc_triva_state.c:414: Waited 1 seconds for master/slaves to abort test/readout:
8: lwroc_triva_state.c:422: [??conn (this)] (state 13)
1: -:0: Hardware cleanup done.
8: lwroc_triva_state.c:414: Waited 5 seconds for master/slaves to abort test/readout:
8: lwroc_triva_state.c:422: [??conn (this)] (state 13)
^C8: lwroc_main.c:105: SIGINT received.
10: lwroc_thread_util.c:62: Set terminate first!  (main)
^C8: lwroc_main.c:105: SIGINT received.
^C5: lwroc_main.c:109: 3rd signal SIGINT received.

Attached please find the files you asked for.

Would be really great if you could figure out what is happening.

Best greetings from Jena


Looks like the issue might be at:

1: -:0: f_user_readout /mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/r3bfuser/f_user.c:975

which for me is:

         p32 = land_vme = event_buffer.ptr;

part of a block of code:

         SUBEVENT_BEGIN(0, 0, event_buffer);
         p32 = land_vme = event_buffer.ptr;
         *p32++ = LAND_VME_HAS_TIME_STAMP;
         *p32++ = tt;

or possibly some function that it calls.

You have the same code at that line?

Could you also send the daq startup script and the nurdlib
configuration file?


On Mon, 15 Jul 2024, Weber, Guenter Dr. wrote:

> Dear friends,
> unfortunately, the DAQ crashes on startup. Here is the output:
> 10: lwroc_hostname_util.c:109: Host 'lyserv' known as (port: 56583).
> Message not logged - thread has no error buffer yet...
> CPUS: 1
> delay: 1
> 10: lwroc_hostname_util.c:109: Host 'lyserv' known as (port: 56583).
> Message not logged - thread has no error buffer yet...
> Token: d6d68d7b (d6d68d7b:d6d68d7b) [/mbsusr/mbsdaq/.drasi_tokens/mcal]
> 10: lwroc_hostname_util.c:460: Own address: (eth1).
> 10: lwroc_data_pipe.c:146: Data buffer READOUT_PIPE, fmt LMD, size 419430400 = 0x19000000, 1 consumers.
> 10: lwroc_triva_readout.c:66: Silence TRIVA  (HALT)
> 10: lwroc_net_io.c:172: Started server on port 56583 (data port 35797).
> client union size: 244 240 188 508 640 204 204  => 640
> 10: lwroc_udp_awaken_hints.c:159: UDP awaken hints file: /tmp/drasi.u1001/drasi.hints.u1001.RIO4-MCAL-1:56583
> 10: lwroc_main.c:704: Log message rate limit in effect.
> 10: lwroc_readout.c:116: call readout_init...
> 10: lwroc_thread_util.c:118: This is the triva control thread!
> 10: lwroc_thread_util.c:118: This is the net io thread!
> 10: lwroc_thread_util.c:118: This is the slow_async thread!
> 10: lwroc_thread_util.c:118: This is the data server thread!
> 8: lwroc_message_wait.c:86: Waited 1 seconds for msg client.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:414: Waited 1 seconds for initial slave and EB connection(s):
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:422: [EB lyserv] (state 0)
> 10: lwroc_message_internal.c:485: Message client connected!
> 10: lwroc_net_trans.c:1234: [drasi] Transport client connected (data) [].
> 10: lwroc_triva_control.c:370: Setup TRIVA  (DISBUS, HALT, MASTER, RESET)
> 10: lwroc_triva_control.c:418: Minimum event time ctime(350000)+1*rd(690)+3*wr(633)+fctime(1000)=353589 ns (2.828 kHz)
> 10: lwroc_triva_state.c:1486: (Re)send ident messages...
> 10: lwroc_triva_control.c:495: START TEST ACQ: HALT, CLEAR=RESET, MT=1
> 9: lwroc_triva_control.c:507: TEST: GO
> 10: lwroc_triva_control.c:725: RUN: RESET
> 10: lwroc_triva_control.c:729: RUN: MT=14
> 9: lwroc_triva_control.c:737:   GO (1 good test triggers done) (max 2.8 kHz)
> 10: lwroc_triva_readout.c:376: Trigger 14 seen.
> 10: config/config.c:205: Will try default cfg path='/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default', can be set with NURDLIB_DEF_PATH.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2399: Master: deadtime: 1.  Status: 0x10 (IN_READOUT).  EC: 1
> 10: lwroc_triva_state.c:2428: [EB lyserv] EB: Status: 0x0.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2488: Node(s) busy in readout, waiting...
> 10: config/parser.c:319: Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/global.cfg' {
> 10: config/parser.c:331: Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/global.cfg' }
> 10: config/parser.c:319: Opened './main.cfg' {
> 10: config/config.c:1388: .Global log level=verbose.
> 10: config/parser.c:319: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/crate.cfg' {
> 10: config/parser.c:331: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/crate.cfg' }
> 10: config/parser.c:319: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/gsi_vulom.cfg' {
> 10: config/parser.c:331: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/gsi_vulom.cfg' }
> 10: config/parser.c:319: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/module_log_level.cfg' {
> 10: config/parser.c:331: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/module_log_level.cfg' }
> 10: config/parser.c:319: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/sis_3316.cfg' {
> 10: config/parser.c:331: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/sis_3316.cfg' }
> 10: config/parser.c:319: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/module_log_level.cfg' {
> 10: config/parser.c:331: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/module_log_level.cfg' }
> 10: config/parser.c:319: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/sis_3316.cfg' {
> 10: config/parser.c:331: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/sis_3316.cfg' }
> 10: config/parser.c:319: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/module_log_level.cfg' {
> 10: config/parser.c:331: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/module_log_level.cfg' }
> 10: config/parser.c:319: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/sis_3316.cfg' {
> 10: config/parser.c:331: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/sis_3316.cfg' }
> 10: config/parser.c:319: .Opened '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/module_log_level.cfg' {
> 10: config/parser.c:331: .Closed '/LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/nurdlib/cfg/default/module_log_level.cfg' }
> 10: config/parser.c:331: Closed './main.cfg' }
> 10: crate/crate.c:373: crate_create {
> 10: crate/crate.c:714: crate_create(MCAL) }
> 10: crate/crate.c:1022: crate_init(MCAL) {
> 10: crate/crate.c:1046: .Slow-init module[0]=GSI_VULOM.
> LOG: TRLO: MD5SUM: 0x1409285e (CT: 63bb1d44 = 2023-01-08 19:45:08 UTC)
> 10: crate/crate.c:1046: .Slow-init module[1]=SIS_3316.
> 10: module/map/map.c:286: ...rd(0x30000000+0x64/32)=532ns wr(0x30000000+0x64/32)=356ns.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1481: ..Serial number=0x00800178.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1488: ..id/firmware=0x3316200e.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[0] firmware=0x0125000c.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[1] firmware=0x0125000c.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[2] firmware=0x0125000c.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[3] firmware=0x0125000c.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2028: Master TRIVA/MI no progress last second, and in deadtime.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2399: Master: deadtime: 1.  Status: 0x10 (IN_READOUT).  EC: 1
> 10: lwroc_triva_state.c:2428: [EB lyserv] EB: Status: 0x0.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2488: Node(s) busy in readout, waiting...
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2028: Master TRIVA/MI no progress last second, and in deadtime.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2399: Master: deadtime: 1.  Status: 0x10 (IN_READOUT).  EC: 1
> 10: lwroc_triva_state.c:2428: [EB lyserv] EB: Status: 0x0.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2488: Node(s) busy in readout, waiting...
> 10: crate/crate.c:1046: .Slow-init module[2]=SIS_3316.
> 10: module/map/map.c:286: ...rd(0x31000000+0x64/32)=528ns wr(0x31000000+0x64/32)=359ns.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1481: ..Serial number=0x008001a7.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1488: ..id/firmware=0x33162010.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[0] firmware=0x01250011.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[1] firmware=0x01250011.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[2] firmware=0x01250011.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[3] firmware=0x01250011.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2028: Master TRIVA/MI no progress last second, and in deadtime.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2399: Master: deadtime: 1.  Status: 0x10 (IN_READOUT).  EC: 1
> 10: lwroc_triva_state.c:2428: [EB lyserv] EB: Status: 0x0.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2488: Node(s) busy in readout, waiting...
> 10: crate/crate.c:1046: .Slow-init module[3]=SIS_3316.
> 10: module/map/map.c:286: ...rd(0x32000000+0x64/32)=564ns wr(0x32000000+0x64/32)=399ns.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1481: ..Serial number=0x00800171.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1488: ..id/firmware=0x3316200e.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[0] firmware=0x0125000c.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[1] firmware=0x0125000c.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[2] firmware=0x0125000c.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:1491: ..adc[3] firmware=0x0125000c.
> 10: crate/crate.c:1099: .Fast-init module[0]=GSI_VULOM.
> 10: crate/crate.c:1099: .Fast-init module[1]=SIS_3316.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[0] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[1] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[2] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[3] = 15 mV -> 0x080001f3
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[4] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[5] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[6] = 10 mV -> 0x0800014c
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[7] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[8] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[9] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[10] = 13 mV -> 0x080001b0
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[11] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[12] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[13] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[14] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[15] = 15 mV -> 0x080001f3
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2028: Master TRIVA/MI no progress last second, and in deadtime.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2399: Master: deadtime: 1.  Status: 0x10 (IN_READOUT).  EC: 1
> 10: lwroc_triva_state.c:2428: [EB lyserv] EB: Status: 0x0.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2488: Node(s) busy in readout, waiting...
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2028: Master TRIVA/MI no progress last second, and in deadtime.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2399: Master: deadtime: 1.  Status: 0x10 (IN_READOUT).  EC: 1
> 10: lwroc_triva_state.c:2428: [EB lyserv] EB: Status: 0x0.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2488: Node(s) busy in readout, waiting...
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2028: Master TRIVA/MI no progress last second, and in deadtime.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2399: Master: deadtime: 1.  Status: 0x10 (IN_READOUT).  EC: 1
> 10: lwroc_triva_state.c:2428: [EB lyserv] EB: Status: 0x0.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2488: Node(s) busy in readout, waiting...
> 10: crate/crate.c:1099: .Fast-init module[2]=SIS_3316.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[0] = 10 mV -> 0x0800014c
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[1] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[2] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[3] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[4] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[5] = 10 mV -> 0x0800014c
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[6] = 13 mV -> 0x080001b0
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[7] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[8] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[9] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[10] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[11] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[12] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[13] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[14] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[15] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2028: Master TRIVA/MI no progress last second, and in deadtime.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2399: Master: deadtime: 1.  Status: 0x10 (IN_READOUT).  EC: 1
> 10: lwroc_triva_state.c:2428: [EB lyserv] EB: Status: 0x0.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2488: Node(s) busy in readout, waiting...
> 10: crate/crate.c:1099: .Fast-init module[3]=SIS_3316.
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[0] = 10 mV -> 0x0800014c
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[1] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[2] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[3] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[4] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[5] = 10 mV -> 0x0800014c
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[6] = 13 mV -> 0x080001b0
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[7] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[8] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[9] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[10] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[11] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[12] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[13] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[14] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: module/sis_3316/sis_3316.c:4380: ...threshold[15] = 8 mV -> 0x0800010a
> 10: crate/crate.c:1131: .Post-init module[1]=SIS_3316.
> 10: crate/crate.c:1131: .Post-init module[2]=SIS_3316.
> 10: crate/crate.c:1131: .Post-init module[3]=SIS_3316.
> 10: crate/crate.c:1196: crate_init(MCAL) }
> 10: ctrl/ctrl.c:1046: Control server online.
> Message not logged - thread has no error buffer yet...
> 10: f_user.c:559: WR ID=0x200.
> 10: f_user.c:565: TS offset unset. Will not modify stamp.
> 10: f_user.c:572: TPAT: No.
> 10: f_user.c:573: Sync-check: No.
> 10: f_user.c:575: Spill triggers: No.
> 10: f_user.c:576: LMU: No.
> 10: f_user.c:577: Timer latches: No.
> 10: f_user.c:578: Spill shape: No.
> 10: f_user.c:579: Micro-structure: No.
> 10: f_user.c:581: Multi-event flag: No.
> 10: f_user.c:586: UDP destination: None.
> 1: lwroc_main.c:132: SIGSEGV received.
> 1: -:0: Backtrace:
> 1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100ae20c]
> 1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100ad56c]
> 1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100ae518]
> 1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100a6374]
> 1: -:0: [0x100344]
> 1: -:0: [(nil)]
> 1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100066c0]
> 1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x10073774]
> 1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100a6e98]
> 1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100a7f38]
> 1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100a6890]
> 1: -:0: ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi [0x100a5dc0]
> 1: -:0: /lib/libc.so.6 [0xfb91260]
> 1: -:0: /lib/libc.so.6 [0xfb913ec]
> 1: -:0: Backtrace (again, with addr2line):
> 1: -:0: lwroc_dump_backtrace /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_message_internal.c:951
> 1: -:0: lwroc_do_message_internal /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_message_internal.c:1590
> 1: -:0: lwroc_message_internal /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_message_internal.c:1692
> 1: -:0: lwroc_sighandler /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_main.c:132
> 1: -:0: ?? ??:0
> sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
> sh: -c: line 0: `addr2line -a -f -i -C -p (nil) -e ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi 2> /dev/null'
> sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
> sh: -c: line 0: `addr2line -i -f -C (nil) -e ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi 2> /dev/null'
> 1: -:0: f_user_readout /mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/r3bfuser/f_user.c:975
> 1: -:0: fud_read_event /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/f_user_daq/f_user_daq.c:607
> 1: -:0: lwroc_triva_event_loop /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_triva_readout.c:463
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2028: Master TRIVA/MI no progress last second, and in deadtime.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2399: Master: deadtime: 1.  Status: 0x10 (IN_READOUT).  EC: 2
> 10: lwroc_triva_state.c:2428: [EB lyserv] EB: Status: 0x0.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2488: Node(s) busy in readout, waiting...
> 1: -:0: lwroc_triva_readout /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_triva_readout.c:818
> 1: -:0: lwroc_main_loop /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_readout.c:153
> 1: -:0: main /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/drasi/lwroc/lwroc_main.c:712
> 1: -:0: ?? ??:0
> 1: -:0: ?? ??:0
> 1: -:0: Backtrace (again, addresses):
> 1: -:0: 0x0x100ae20c:
> 1: -:0: 0x0x100ad56c:
> 1: -:0: 0x0x100ae518:
> 1: -:0: 0x0x100a6374:
> 1: -:0: 0x0x100344:
> 1: -:0: 0x(nil):
> 1: -:0: 0x0x100066c0:
> 1: -:0: 0x0x10073774:
> 1: -:0: 0x0x100a6e98:
> 1: -:0: 0x0x100a7f38:
> 1: -:0: 0x0x100a6890:
> 1: -:0: 0x0x100a5dc0:
> 1: -:0: 0x0xfb91260:
> 1: -:0: 0x0xfb913ec:
> 1: -:0: BUG or FATAL reported.
> 1: -:0: Sleeping INDEFINITELY (to allow debugger attachment).
> 1: -:0: Debug cmd: cd /LynxOS/mbsusr/mbsdaq/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/rio4-mcal-1 ; gdb ../r3bfuser/build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi 19740
> 1: -:0: Performing hardware cleanup (TRIVA HALT, RESET) in 2 s...
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:1999: Master TRIVA/MI has error (status = 0x410).
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:2708: Issue during test/run (33), tell master and slaves to abort.
> Send slave abort readout. (1)
> Send master abort (0x200).
> 10: lwroc_triva_control.c:863: TRIVA control: run abort request received.
> 9: lwroc_triva_control.c:1032: TRIVA control: run aborted - waiting for readout...
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:414: Waited 1 seconds for master/slaves to abort test/readout:
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:422: [??conn (this)] (state 13)
> 1: -:0: Hardware cleanup done.
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:414: Waited 5 seconds for master/slaves to abort test/readout:
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:422: [??conn (this)] (state 13)
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:414: Waited 10 seconds for master/slaves to abort test/readout:
> 8: lwroc_triva_state.c:422: [??conn (this)] (state 13)
> ^C8: lwroc_main.c:105: SIGINT received.
> 10: lwroc_thread_util.c:62: Set terminate first!  (main)
> ^C8: lwroc_main.c:105: SIGINT received.
> ^C5: lwroc_main.c:109: 3rd signal SIGINT received.
> Looks like DRASI still has a problem ??
> Best greetings
> Günter
> ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Von: subexp-daq <subexp-daq-bounces at lists.chalmers.se> im Auftrag von Weber, Guenter Dr. <g.weber at hi-jena.gsi.de>
> Gesendet: Montag, 15. Juli 2024 16:02:57
> An: Discuss use of Nurdlib, TRLO II, drasi and UCESB.
> Betreff: Re: [subexp-daq] New warning meassage in R3BFUSER
> Dear Håkan,
> thank you for the reply.
> After implementing the suggested changes, I now get the following warning (on PC):
> (base) mbsdaq at atpnbg011:~/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/r3bfuser$ make fuser_drasi
> NCONF build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/nconf.args
> For nconf results and logs, see also build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/nconf*.
> build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/nconf.args done.
> CC    build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/subevent.drasi.o
> CC    build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/f_user.drasi.o
> f_user.c: In function 'f_user_init':
> f_user.c:697:2: warning: null argument where non-null required (argument 3) [-Wnonnull]
>   crate_dt_release_set_func(g_crate, dt_release, NULL);
>   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> CC    build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/udp.drasi.o
> LD    build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/m_read_meb.drasi
> build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug: Simon says: Alles wird gut ;o)
> On the RIO4 there is no warning:
> RIO4-MCAL-1 mbsdaq > make fuser_drasi
> NCONF build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/nconf.args
> For nconf results and logs, see also build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/nconf*.
> build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/nconf.args done.
> CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/f_user.drasi.o
> CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/subevent.drasi.o
> CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/udp.drasi.o
> LD    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi
> build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug: Simon says: Alles wird gut ;o)
> In a few minutes I can tell you if the DAQ is running with the new software or not.
> Best greetings
> Günter
> ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Von: subexp-daq <subexp-daq-bounces at lists.chalmers.se> im Auftrag von Håkan T Johansson <f96hajo at chalmers.se>
> Gesendet: Montag, 15. Juli 2024 15:49:23
> An: Discuss use of Nurdlib, TRLO II, drasi and UCESB.
> Betreff: Re: [subexp-daq] New warning meassage in R3BFUSER
> Dear Günter,
> it looks like with a change of the second parameter of log_callback (both
> in prototype an definition) of r3bfuser/f_user.c from unsigned to int,
> then in compiles.
> Likely caused by commit '36772113' in nurdlib that changed line numbers
> from unsigned to int.
> Cheers,
> Håkan
> On Mon, 15 Jul 2024, Weber, Guenter Dr. wrote:
> >
> > Dear all,
> >
> >
> > I just set up a new DAQ system (new NURDLIB, TRLOII, DRASI, R3BFUSER, etc.).
> >
> >
> > I followed the 'cooking receipt' that I git from Hakan, as always.
> >
> >
> > When compiling fuser_drasi, the following happens (on PC):
> >
> >
> > (base) mbsdaq at atpnbg011:~/mbsrun/rio4/2024_mcalstruck/r3bfuser$ make
> > fuser_drasi
> > NCONF build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/nconf.args
> > For nconf results and logs, see also
> > build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/nconf*.
> > build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/nconf.args done.
> > CC    build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/subevent.drasi.o
> > CC    build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/f_user.drasi.o
> > f_user.c: In function 'f_user_init':
> > f_user.c:682:26: warning: passing argument 1 of 'nurdlib_setup' from
> > incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
> >   g_crate = nurdlib_setup(log_callback, path);
> >                           ^~~~~~~~~~~~
> > In file included from f_user.c:15:0:
> > ../nurdlib/include/nurdlib.h:28:15: note: expected 'LogCallback {aka void
> > (*)(const char *, int,  unsigned int,  const char *)}' but argument is of
> > type 'void (*)(const char *, unsigned int,  unsigned int,  const char *)'
> >  struct Crate *nurdlib_setup(LogCallback, char const *) FUNC_RETURNS;
> >                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > f_user.c:697:2: warning: null argument where non-null required (argument 3)
> > [-Wnonnull]
> >   crate_dt_release_set_func(g_crate, dt_release, NULL);
> >   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > CC    build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/udp.drasi.o
> > LD    build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug/m_read_meb.drasi
> > build_cc_x86_64-linux-gnu_7_debug: Simon says: Alles wird gut ;o)
> >
> >
> > On the RIO4 the warning is a bit less detailed:
> >
> >
> > RIO4-MCAL-1 mbsdaq > make fuser_drasi
> > NCONF build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/nconf.args
> > For nconf results and logs, see also build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/nconf*.
> > build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/nconf.args done.
> > CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/f_user.drasi.o
> > f_user.c: In function 'f_user_init':
> > f_user.c:682: warning: passing argument 1 of 'nurdlib_setup' from
> > incompatible pointer type
> > CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/subevent.drasi.o
> > CC    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/udp.drasi.o
> > LD    build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug/m_read_meb.drasi
> > build_cc_ppc-linux_4.2.2_debug: Simon says: Alles wird gut ;o)
> >
> > Any ideas what might have happened here? Or is this normal behaviour?
> >
> >
> >
> > Many thanks!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Best greetings
> >
> > Günter
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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