[Relax-dn-pi] supervisors report closed progress monitoring session

Hans Vandierendonck h.vandierendonck at qub.ac.uk
Mon Sep 9 13:38:12 CEST 2024

Hi all,

To prepare for the closed monitoring progress session, it would help if you can send in a brief report on the progress of the student(s) you are supervising. The main purpose of the report is to prepare for the session, so we know in advance what students will require most attention.

The report can be very brief, 1-2 paragraphs suffice. If all is going well, then simply stating that is sufficient, and if possible add some highlights to underline this point (achievements, activities undertaken, papers submitted, etc). If progress is less than it should be, please explain the causes of this and any mitigation plans.

The reports will go into the treasure trove of documents that show the EC how we are running the network. Because they are of a personal nature, I ask that you email them to Jacqueline for collection (due date 13 September) until we have worked out a solution for storing them.

A simple document including student and supervisor’s name, date and brief report should be sufficient.

Kind regards

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