[Relax-dn-pi] 7 deliverables due 31Mar24
Hans Vandierendonck
h.vandierendonck at qub.ac.uk
Mon Jan 8 23:32:19 CET 2024
Hi Jacqueline,
Sorry to say but this doesn’t work for me.
We are on Microsoft as well, but Teams doesn’t manage to show me the relevant link. I have tried in a number of different ways, but teams always asks me to sign in (obvisouly w/ Queens credentials) and then concludes the team does not exist.
Best wishes
On 8 Jan 2024, at 13:36, Jacqueline Plette <jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se<mailto:jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se>> wrote:
This message is from an external sender. Please take care when responding, clicking links or opening attachments.
Dear all,
As some of you have reported issues with the access to OneDrive folders, I sought advice from our Chalmers IT support.
Today I’ve learnt from them that it is more advisable to send document links from a Team created in MS Teams when sharing documents across organisations. (I honestly cannot understand the logic behind it and just follow their advice here).
So, I have created a RELAX-DN all team and copied all documents from OneDrive to Teams. This way, your access should work without the need of a MS verification code (that – in addition - is time-limited). For non-Chalmers contacts, there was only the option to add you as guests (and probably you have received an automated message about it).
Also, I was advised that I cannot send direct links to documents via a mailing list as the list is seen as a person by Teams/OneDrive. Hence, I’m trying to navigate around the issue by giving you information WHERE to locate the documents instead. So, by accessing the Team via the link below, please go to Filesand 04 Deliverables folder. There you will find all deliverables.
Chalmers.RELAX-DN_all | General | Microsoft Teams<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3A0UjeBMMorRIwdv3Z-Oz45AaH1sI5JruCi-2l7qODrMY1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=4c277967-bbba-4082-ae47-f7a7f8b52c77&tenantId=>
<image002.png> 04 Deliverables<https://chalmers.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/ChalmersRELAX-DN_all/Shared%20Documents/General/04%20Deliverables?csf=1&web=1&e=vN3afF>
Needless to say, at this point I’m very open for alternative tools for sharing documents. Maybe, we can talk about them at the next meeting.
Best regards,
Jacqueline Plette
Phone +46 31 7725260
Cell phone +46 723-509359
From: Jacqueline Plette
Sent: den 5 januari 2024 15:30
To: relax-dn-pi at lists.chalmers.se<mailto:relax-dn-pi at lists.chalmers.se>
Subject: 7 deliverables due 31Mar24
Dear all,
Time flies and we need to start working on the seven deliverables that are due end of March. I assume that you also want to engage your students in the literature reviews.
For your convenience, below find an overview. I have also prepared very first drafts for all reports. The lead partner is responsible for a timely review and finalizing the report.
Please note that 31March is a Sunday which gives me a few days less for submission. Therefore, I kindly ask for all final reports to be sent to me at the very latest on 28 March.
I assume that we will discuss further at the coming meeting(s) but many thanks for taking in the message at this point in time.
Deliverable number
Name of Deliverable
Link to draft report
WP1 Initial Report on Qualitative Aspects of Data Analytics
Literature survey and overview of the current state of the art relating to the research challenges addressed in WP1 in particular: challenges of big data management relating to data uncertainty, volatility, velocity, and churn of data; data quality, transparency, and verification of artificial intelligence applications; numeric analysis and deep learning software library reliability and portability. Elaboration of research objectives and methodology. Initial PhD project work plans.
<image003.png> D1.1 WP1 Initial Report on Qualitative Aspects of Data_v1.docx<https://chalmers-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/platt_chalmers_se/EQuXCY9AkHNNrEN5n18nP3cBAkzY0jNgdNsGvv_onJJFUw>
WP2 Initial Report on Indexing and Summarisation
Literature survey and overview of the current state of the art relating to the research challenges addressed in WP2 in particular: strategies for indexing and summarisation for streaming data; techniques for relaxation of semantics (e.g., accuracy, consistency) in indexing and summarisation; and techniques for multi-modal data sets and fusion of analytics operators in workflows. Elaboration of research objectives and methodology. Initial PhD project work plans.
<image003.png> D2.1 WP2 Initial Report on Indexing and Summarisation_v1.docx<https://chalmers-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/platt_chalmers_se/EUVj2fUHRMVPpGMzY-FvdK8BDNsKLNL9aI6FroqaGajTOQ>
WP3 Initial Report on Relaxed Semantics in Computation and Coordination
Literature survey and overview of the current state of the art relating to the research challenges addressed in WP3 in particular: applications of high-performance computing and data mining for big, dynamic and complex data and machine learning, with a focus on anytime approximation algorithms; semantics, consistency and asynchrony for applications in graph analytics and deep learning. Elaboration of research objectives and methodology. Initial PhD project work plans.
<image003.png> D3.1 WP3 Initial Report on Relaxed Semantics in Computation and Coordination_v1.docx<https://chalmers-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/platt_chalmers_se/Ec08k1lLDqJOvccgeIcw73MBMWhMUcp1mUjGiGmXYvKwew>
Personal Development Plans
Also known as "Career Development Plans".
Document describing how the individual Personal Development Plans have been established (listing also the researchers for whom such plans have been put in place). To be submitted before the mid-term meeting.
<image003.png> D4.1 Career Development Plan_v1.docx<https://chalmers-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/platt_chalmers_se/ESoDOMz1V6pHgqLUhWRymjEB2xzBpT9FZrM8qiF20CFNJg>
Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results, including communication activities
Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation (C/D/E) Plan
Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results, including communication activities, submitted at mid- term (M13) and an update towards the end of the project (M48). This plan should be periodically updated, and an updated version is required by M48. More information on how to prepare this deliverable can be found online at https://rea.ec.europa.eu/horizon-europe- dissemination-and-exploitation_en and in the Horizon Europe Programme Guide
<image003.png> D5.2 DEC plan v1.docx<https://chalmers-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/platt_chalmers_se/EaaGwb2VZOhPieSd0nc96eABPPBLkLiBeaOYzZSxAxHtig>
Data Management Plan
Data Management Plan submitted to the REA
<image003.png> D6.2 DMP v1.docx<https://chalmers-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/platt_chalmers_se/ETZ7pAj2Nc9PjFI7tdD2tscBZd0foMCYHCuTtu5wGrW6oQ>
Progress report
progress report due M13
<image003.png> D6.5 EC midterm review - status report M13_v1.docx<https://chalmers-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/platt_chalmers_se/EXVUKj74AfdLqMQANGR8vdABHzbX4M5veubDYulfaCR9bg>
Best regards,
Jacqueline Plette
Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se<mailto:Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se>
EU Grant Manager
Chalmers Operations Support | Division of Management and General University Support
Phone +46 31 7725260
Cell phone +46 723-509359
Chalmers University of Technology
Chalmersplatsen 4, Plan E, Room 1034
412 96 Gothenburg
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Relax-dn-pi at lists.chalmers.se<mailto:Relax-dn-pi at lists.chalmers.se>
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