[Relax-dn-pi] [Relax-dn-all] Midterm Review Meeting - info and timeline

Jacqueline Plette jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se
Thu Feb 1 12:11:52 CET 2024

Dear Dimitrios,

I have asked our IT support team to help us sorting this out but not yet received a positive response. So far, you and Hans have said that it is not working for you (or just with workarounds).

I'm not fond of MS Teams either and would happily switch to another shared platform. But it must be a shared decision, and not my personal one. Also, if we don't have free access to another solution, we could pay the license fee for something that works for all of us. Does any of you have a good suggestion?

Maybe, we should make this discussion a priority at next week's meeting?

I re-attach the guidelines from the PO for your convenience.

All the best,

Best regards,
Jacqueline Plette

Phone +46 31 7725260
Cell phone +46 723-509359

-----Original Message-----
From: Dimitrios Tsoumakos <dtsouma at cslab.ece.ntua.gr> 
Sent: den 1 februari 2024 11:12
To: Jacqueline Plette <jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se>; Philippas Tsigas <philippas.tsigas at chalmers.se>
Cc: relax-dn-pi <relax-dn-pi at lists.chalmers.se>
Subject: Re: [Relax-dn-all] Midterm Review Meeting - info and timeline

Dear Jacqueline, all,
I am afraid I cannot access anything for the past month or so - this is a huge problem. Please, I urge us all to reconsider the MS solution - it will definitely cause serious trouble come the following months/deliverables.



On 1/2/24 11:23, Jacqueline Plette wrote:
> Dear all,
> The EC PO has sent the attached information about the midterm review 
> meeting. Please read carefully and let me know if you have any questions.
> If you have troubles accessing the link, you find the document under
> Files/General/02 Meetings/*Midterm review M13-15* in Teams.
> ​pdf icon HE-MSCA-DN_midterm_meeting_COO_guidelines (1).pdf 
> <https://chalmers.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/ChalmersRELAX-DN_all/Shar
> ed%20Documents/General/02%20Meetings/Midterm%20review%20M13-15/HE-MSCA
> -DN_midterm_meeting_COO_guidelines%20(1).pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=53cFj2>
> She also informed me that we should plan for an onsite meeting, with 
> all DCs and Consortium members present. The location is up to our 
> choice, but it should be ideally easy to reach by participants. We can 
> also consider organizing the meeting at the same time with a 
> network-wide workshop or training if that works better for us.
> I personally would not suggest having this meeting with the training 
> week in March as it is already fully planned. Considering the work 
> ahead of us and the preparation needed for the midterm review, I would 
> like to ask you if many of you plan to attend a conference or similar 
> somewhere central in Europe *during April-June*.
> @all DCs: please bring forward your suggestions to your supervisors 
> before the next PI project meeting that is scheduled for *8 February*.
> Many thanks,
> /Best regards,/
> */Jacqueline Plette/*
> Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se <mailto:Jacqueline.plette at chalmers.se>
> EU Grant Manager
> Chalmers Operations Support | Division of Management and General 
> University Support
> Phone +46 31 7725260
> Cell phone +46 723-509359
> Chalmers University of Technology
> Chalmersplatsen 4, Plan E, Room 1034
> 412 96 Gothenburg
> Sweden
> **
> *www.chalmers.se <http://www.chalmers.se/>***

Dimitrios Tsoumakos, PhD
Associate Professor,
Division of Computer Science
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering National Technical University of Athens http://www.cslab.ece.ntua.gr/~dtsouma
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