[Info.aoa-nano] SmallTalk [about Nanoscience] "Quantum gates: What does a quantum computer need to compute”

Nano nano at chalmers.se
Wed Sep 20 08:55:19 CEST 2023

SmallTalk [about Nanoscience]
On Monday October 2th at 15.00h we welcome you all to our SmallTalk seminar series. You are welcome to join us in lecture hall Kollektorn, MC2 with fika or on zoom.
Our speaker is Simon Pettersson Fors, Doctoral Student, Applied Quantum Physics, Microtechnology and Nanoscience. The seminar is titled “Quantum gates: What does a quantum computer need to compute”.
Quantum computers have the potential to solve problems in logistics, physics, and medicine that the most powerful computers of today struggle with. For instance, they could help with the discovery of more efficient materials and new drugs to treat diseases with. However, one of the major challenges we currently face in the attempt to build a quantum computer is that the computing operations are faulty and prone to errors. In this talk, I will present how these operations, called quantum gates, are physically implemented, and what we are doing to improve them.
The seminar is divided into two parts, where the first part consists of a pure overview of the field and is held on a generally accessible level (10 min). The second part will be more technical (15-20 minutes).
Looking forward to seeing you live or on Zoom:  https://chalmers.zoom.us/j/63018620593#success
Best regards,
Alexandra, Philippe, Christoph, and Janine

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