[Info.aoa-nano] Small talks Nano "Localized surface plasmons: Harvesting sunlight to catalyze chemical reactions"

Nano nano at chalmers.se
Tue Feb 28 09:29:45 CET 2023

Smalltalk [about Nanoscience]
On Monday March 6th at 15.00h we welcome you all to our SmallTalk seminar series. You are welcome to join us in lecture hall Kollektorn, MC2 with fika or on zoom.
Our speaker is Jakub Fojt, PhD student at Condensed Matter and Materials Theory, Department of Physics.
Metal nanoparticles are particles that are smaller than a few hundred nanometers (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter) and consist of a metal. The electrons inside them are easily made to move resonantly, in a motion that can be compared to sloshing from side to side in the nanoparticle. This motion is called a localized surface plasmon, and is typically created by the absorption of light. For example, it can be used to harvest sunlight and direct it to something useful, such as the catalysis of chemical reactions. In the first part of this talk, I will talk about localized surface plasmons in general and compare them to other resonances in nature. In the second part I will discuss the engineering possibilities when it comes to improving catalysis using this process and open questions in the field.
The seminar is divided into two parts, where the first part consists of a pure overview of the field and is held on a generally accessible level (10 min). The second part will be more technical (15-20 minutes).
Looking forward to seeing you live or on Zoom:
Best regards,
Alexandra, Philippe, Christoph, and Janine
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