[Info.aoa-nano] Nominate a speaker for the Smalltalks (about Nanoscience) for this fall!

Nano nano at chalmers.se
Tue Apr 18 10:27:55 CEST 2023

Dear all,

We are now preparing the fall programme for our SmallTalks [about Nanoscience] seminar series and we invite nominations for speakers.

SmallTalks consist of a 10-minute popular-science introduction to the speaker's research followed by a 15-minute scientific presentation.
We are looking for speakers that are capable of delivering an excellent presentation, including the popular-science part of the talk.

Submit your nominations by May 31st to Alexandra Stubelius<mailto:alexandra.stubelius at chalmers.se> and Philippe Tassin<mailto:philippe.tassin at chalmers.se>.

Hope to hear from you!

Best regards,
Alexandra, Philippe, Janine, and Christoph

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