From nano at Mon Apr 3 09:48:10 2023 From: nano at (Nano) Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 07:48:10 +0000 Subject: [Info.aoa-nano] Smalltalks about Nanoscience "Chemistry Meets Quantum Computing: A New Era of Simulation and Study" Message-ID: <> SmallTalk [about Nanoscience] On Monday April 17th at 15.00h we welcome you all to our SmallTalk seminar series. You are welcome to join us in lecture hall Kollektorn, MC2 with fika or on zoom. Our speaker is Werner Dobrautz, postdoc at Chemistry and Biochemistry/Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Martin Rahm?s group??. Quantum computing is a type of computing where information is processed using quantum bits (qubits) instead of classical bits, which allows for much faster and more powerful computation. However, current technology for quantum computing has some limitations, such as not being able to hold onto information for long, having errors in the operations, and not having enough qubits to do meaningful calculations. In the first part of this talk I will present why computational chemistry - the field of research that uses computers to simulate and study the behavior of atoms and molecules - can benefit from quantum computing. I will present a novel method that allows to perform meaningful chemistry calculations even with the limited number of available qubits of current quantum computers. The seminar is divided into two parts, where the first part consists of a pure overview of the field and is held on a generally accessible level (10 min). The second part will be more technical (15-20 minutes). Looking forward to seeing you live or on Zoom: Best regards, Alexandra, Philippe, Christoph, and Janine -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nano at Mon Apr 17 09:46:29 2023 From: nano at (Nano) Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 07:46:29 +0000 Subject: [Info.aoa-nano] Smalltalks and career seminar Message-ID: <> SmallTalks [about Nanoscience] Please join us today, Monday 17 April at 15.00h for our SmallTalks [about Nanoscience] You are welcome to join us in lecture hall Kollektorn, MC2 with fika or on zoom: Our speaker is Werner Dobrautz, postdoc at Chemistry and Biochemistry/Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Martin Rahm?s group?. The seminar is titled ??Chemistry Meets Quantum Computing: A New Era of Simulation and Study?. The seminar is divided into two parts, where the first part consists of a pure overview of the field and is held on a generally accessible level (10 min). The second part will be more technical (15-20 minutes). Abstract: Quantum computing is a type of computing where information is processed using quantum bits (qubits) instead of classical bits, which allows for much faster and more powerful computation. However, current technology for quantum computing has some limitations, such as not being able to hold onto information for long, having errors in the operations, and not having enough qubits to do meaningful calculations. In the first part of this talk, I will present why computational chemistry - the field of research that uses computers to simulate and study the behavior of atoms and molecules - can benefit from quantum computing. I will present a novel method that allows to perform meaningful chemistry calculations even with the limited number of available qubits of current quantum computer. Looking forward to seeing you live or on Zoom! Career seminar with Maximilian Gebhard It is time again for the career seminar, organized by Michaela Wenzel. This is a career seminar series with external speakers from different non-academic professions, who will give some insight into what they are doing in their jobs and how they got there. Speakers are selected based on prompts from PhD students and postdocs. The third seminar in this series follows the prompt ?Project management? and will be held Friday, 21.04. at 10.00 am on Zoom: Our speaker will be Maximilian Gebhard, Project Leader R&D for EUV Optics at Zeiss (read more about him and his experiences below). The title of the talk will be ?From Academia to Leadership and Project Management Positions?. We will allow ample time for questions and discussion. If you want to request a field/career path/profession that you would like to hear about in future seminars or if you have a specific speaker suggestion, email Michaela! Hoping to see many of you on Zoom! About Maximilian Gebhard: Professional Experience & Education CARL ZEISS SMT GMBH Oberkochen, Germany Project Leader since July 2019 ? Managed international R&D-projects on optics for semiconductor fabrication ? Led and built a team of ~50 team members within a matrix organization ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Lemont, USA Postdoctoral Appointee January 2018 - May 2019 ? Synthesis & characterization of new materials for detector components (NASA collaboration) ? Organized the Postdoctoral Career Symposium 2018 and 2019 (>100 attendees) RUHR-UNIVERSITY, INORGANIC MATERIALS CHEMISTRY Bochum, Germany Research Associate July 2013 - December 2017 ? PhD Thesis: Atomic layer deposition of binary metal oxides as gas barrier layers on polymers ? Led a team of six PhD students organizing a workshop in Sweden ? Invited as Teaching Assistant for introductory courses in chemistry (>500 students) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nano at Tue Apr 18 10:27:55 2023 From: nano at (Nano) Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2023 08:27:55 +0000 Subject: [Info.aoa-nano] Nominate a speaker for the Smalltalks (about Nanoscience) for this fall! Message-ID: <> Dear all, We are now preparing the fall programme for our SmallTalks [about Nanoscience] seminar series and we invite nominations for speakers. SmallTalks consist of a 10-minute popular-science introduction to the speaker's research followed by a 15-minute scientific presentation. We are looking for speakers that are capable of delivering an excellent presentation, including the popular-science part of the talk. Submit your nominations by May 31st to Alexandra Stubelius and Philippe Tassin. Hope to hear from you! Best regards, Alexandra, Philippe, Janine, and Christoph -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: