[Driftstörning] windows file server is down (file00.chalmers.se)

Fredrik Mellström traal at chalmers.se
Tors Nov 17 07:34:15 CET 2011

(Translation in English below.)


Det är problem med den centrala windowsfilservern, file00.chalmers.se. 
Filserverklustret kraschade runt 23:31 igår kväll, och är fortfarande nere.

För närvarande kan inga anställda eller studenter komma åt sina filer på 
windowsfilservern.  Detta kan också leda till att man får problem att 
logga in på stationära datorer, eftersom datorn inte kan nå dina 
användarinställningar på filservern.  (Laptopar får inga 
inloggningsproblem på grund av detta.)

Vi jobbar på att fixa problemet så snart vi kan.


Right now there are problems with the central Windows file server, 
file00.chalmers.se.  The file server cluster crashed around 11:31 PM 
yesterday night, and it is still down.

Presently no employees or students can access their files on the windows 
file server.  This can also lead to problems logging in on stationary 
computers, since your user settings on the file server will be 
unavailable.  (Laptops will not have login problems because of this.)

We are trying to fix the problem as soon as possible.

--------  Details (in english only) ----------

Start of problem: 23.31 (Wed Nov 16, 2011)

(Will be) solved at: unknown

Affected users: Everybody

Affected systems: Windows computers for employees and students

(Note: Affected users/systems might be wrong or different, this
is a quick estimate, before all facts are known to us.)


Med vänlig hälsning / Kind Regards
Chalmers ServiceDesk, IT-Service
Fredrik Mellström
WEB: http://www.chalmers.se/its
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